Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Transitional stages in the evolution of definite cross-veins may also be observed in wings of the more specialized Palaeodictyoptera and among living Orthoptera , where both irregular and definite cross-veins occur in the same wing .
2 Do the different religions believe in the same god in different ways , or do they believe in different gods ?
3 In the case of ancient or medieval coinage the existence in different groups of coins of different or similar patterns of die axis may support or reduce the likelihood of some coins belonging in the same group .
4 MEMBERS of the Lloyd 's insurance market will have capital gains on their premium funds taxed in the same way as those of other corporate insurers the Chancellor said .
5 The same human motives appear in different cultural forms , and different motives appear in the same forms ( ibid. :
6 The shoals of fish became scarce and unreliable from one year to another , probably because of overfishing when the power of modern engines made it possible for foreign boats to fish in the same waters .
7 Granger , these full-blooded pictures were among the most popular films released in the latter stages of the war .
8 When David Kay , Roy Goddard and Fred Rogers established their business in 1970 , they were one of the first British firms to operate in the same way as Spencer Stuart , Heidrick and Struggles and Egon Zehnder .
9 Now it is perfectly true that some families remained in the same district for hundreds of years .
10 Extended families living in the same household remain very common .
11 These defensive routines are organisational in the sense that individuals with different personalities behave in the same way ; and people leave and new ones come into the organisation , yet the defensive routines remain intact .
12 The government plan 's provisions , said Gaidar , coincided with some suggestions made in the many alternative economic reform programmes currently in circulation , including that of Civic Union .
13 For some there were rigid routines repeated in the same way from one day to the next ; for others , routines were more flexible .
14 As long as only a few predators hunt in the same area , each aposematic family is likely to produce several survivors .
15 Nevertheless , species are real things , with real discontinuities between them — at least if we confine ourselves to sexual organisms living in the same place at the same time .
16 seeds for flavouring a variety of dishes where spicy flavour is required , used whole or as a freshly-made powder , fresh leaves used in the same way , especially with Indian recipes , with salads , marinades , rice , and with bread
17 That is a context which includes such passages found in the same judgment of Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. in In re J. [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 as the following , at p. 41 : ‘ No one can dictate the treatment to be given to the child — neither court , parents nor doctors .
18 Third , there may be important positive externalities when similar producers locate in the same place , as in the concentration of information technology firms in Silicon Glen in Scotland or Route 128 round Boston in the United States .
19 The police have praised Parveen for her courage , but they 're not recommending that women who find themselves in similar situations react in the same way .
20 The event was held recently at Methody when six girls competed in an all-play-all .
21 Policy discussions at ministerial level appeared to focus mainly on the hoary old issues of which agency should take lead responsibility , ’ but finally , in 1989 , the government took a decision which was considered unthinkable only a year earlier , that is , that local authority social services departments should be given lead responsibility for community care and for all services including mental health , but with some additional controls added in the latter case , the single most controversial of Griffiths ' proposals .
22 Many of the burdensome covenants inserted in the former kind of lease will be wholly inappropriate to the latter .
23 But more subject assessors operating in the same cognate group leads to the need for more induction and training .
24 Clarke usually worked at home , often with their five daughters and three sons playing in the same room .
25 Tax could then be deducted in respect of the three previous instalments paid in the same tax year ( Johnson v Johnson [ 1946 ] P 205 ) .
26 Perceptual barriers act in the same way .
27 Several signs from differing sources point in the same direction .
28 In the Babylonian Murashu documents of the fifth century B.C. unmistakably Jewish names alternate in the same family with Babylonian theophoric names .
29 There are three shows left in the same venue .
30 In this chapter I shall argue that the no boundary condition for the universe , together with the weak anthropic principle , can explain why all three arrows point in the same direction — and moreover , why a well-defined arrow of time should exist at all .
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