Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are several styles and sizes of lodges to choose from , each designed with the same aim in mind … the ultimate in luxuriousness .
2 November new car sales rose by 6.3% to 106,902 and new commercial vehicle sales rose by 15.3% to 15,920 compared with the same month in 1991 .
3 Manufacturing productivity rose nearly 8% in the first quarter of 1993 compared to the same period last year .
4 Thailand increased its rubber exports by 31 per cent in the first half of 1985 compared with the same period the year before — yet its rubber revenues fell by eight per cent1 .
5 Tobacco released to the market was down 11.3 percent in the first half of 1991 compared with the same period of 1990 and 17.7 percent down compared with the second half of 1990 .
6 Gross national product fell 5.8 per cent in January-February 1991 compared with the same period in 1990 .
7 Industrial output fell by 4.5 per cent in the first quarter of 1991 compared with the same period in 1990 , falling in the engineering sector by 14.2 per cent but rising in the food industry by 13 per cent .
8 A single pair at nearby Westham since 1963 derived from the same source .
9 In addition to the work being carried out in the UNEP HQ at Nairobi and in the GEMS/GRID site in Geneva , a series of GRID regional nodes are now being set up world-wide , each equipped with the same hardware and software and local subsets of the data .
10 The bureau , in Horsemarket , received 259 inquiries during November last year an increase of 90 compared to the same month in 1990 .
11 These covered in the same way by you , with addresses of local associations , horse welfare , etc , would be much appreciated .
12 The first important point , however , is that compared with the same point on the economic cycle 10 years ago , manufacturing volume is up three quarters , productivity is up half and output is up one third .
13 For the Piaroa , reproduction , production , and language are all placed on the same level as basically predatory capabilities , or the means for predation .
14 The absconding muleteer , the swindling innkeeper and the devious customs-house officer were all treated to the same display of unthwartable will .
15 The bar chart below shows the figures for unidirectional composites , in which the fibres are all aligned in the same direction .
16 because it 's all rolled into the same thing .
17 Not that I 'm surprised ; they 're all tarred with the same brush , that family ; the boy 's no better and no worse than his mother or his uncle .
18 Even the dust and horse-smell seemed to be still with him and he reminded you of Lamarr Dean and Early and almost everyone of them you ever saw : all made of the same leather and hardly ever smiling unless they were with their own look-alike brothers .
19 And sometimes it 's all done by the same company .
20 If the numbers to be compared are all written to the same number of decimal places , those pupils ignoring the decimal points will get questions " right " .
21 Men , women and juveniles are all housed in the same complex , although in segregated areas .
22 Whatever very highly er design orientated , all sold in the same place .
23 THE ROLL of a class in a Co Down primary school jumped by more than half in one go when four children from the same family — all born on the same day — arrived .
24 The price farmers receive for agricultural products in the European Community fell by 11.8% in real terms in the last quarter of 1992 compared with the same period of 1991 .
25 In other words , the most difficult tasks found within any given layer are all characterized by the same type or category of complexity , just as water remains in the same liquid state from 0 degrees to 100 degrees Celsius , even though it ranges from very cold to very hot .
26 The atlas of the Holy Land — Bethlehem , Jerusalem , Mount Horeb , Egypt and Jericho — all crumbled into the same heap of ash .
27 Transactions during an account are all settled on the same day : the second Monday following the end of the account .
28 The various departments ’ relations with Parliament , with outside bodies and professions are all governed by the same consideration that the minister is in charge and that he can be attacked ( in or out of Parliament ) for anything that happens or fails to happen in his department .
29 Since Balbinder clearly made more progress in a small group where he could have a lot of attention , and where all worked at the same pace , this could be an answer .
30 The letter detector for any letter ( let us say R ) is used to identify that letter regardless of its precise visual form : for example , uppercase , lowercase and handwritten forms of the letter R are all identified by the same letter detector .
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