Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Madam Deputy Speaker there is course another matter of er of er broader significance and that is that er whilst these orders er er er cover erm certain financial institutions , they do n't erm they do n't cover others , they do n't cover Lloyds of London in so far as I could see , erm I 'd half expected to see the honourable member for Gloucester West er in his place to pursue his campaign that apparently he er he he is not able to be here and indeed er others who sit on the benches opposite who lost a large sum of money in Lloyds , er but they might have had something to say about it as it does seem odd that Lloyds has not been covered , no doubt the minister would tell us that needs primary legislation and I I 'm quite sure this government would move heaven and earth not to introduce another Lloyds bill er because of er the problems that that would no doubt attract .
2 It was not until March 1950 that the British ceased to rank the Middle East equally with Europe , and promised to send two divisions to the continent in the event of war .
3 In the second phase , the British planned to take the high ground running between Bapaume and Ginchy , while the French took that in the region around and north of Rancourt .
4 Following completion W. H. Hopkins & Co. released to the Hammonds the balance of the £15,000 , after deduction of £1,800 odd needed to discharge the local authority 's registered charge and of a sum in respect of their own costs , and on 17 September 1979 sent to Warrens the transfer , apparently executed by Mrs. Steed as attorney for Mr. Steed , together with the discharge of the local authority 's charge and various other conveyancing documents .
5 All designed to force the early retirement of old lags like me .
6 These minor changes in style are all designed to make the unchurched newcomer feel that when he visits the church he is not visiting another planet .
7 Would-be clowns , acrobats , trapeze artists , ( and , for all I know , nutters who want to be shot out of the mouth of a cannon ) are all invited to join the greatest show in Darlington .
8 The 1918 Reform Act , which greatly extended the franchise ; the huge wartime growth of the trade unions ; and the new popularity of collectivist ideas — all served to encourage the Labour Party to set its sights on power .
9 Geoffrey Giffard , for example , the curialist Bishop of Worcester , was in October 1270 appointed to keep the royal forest and manor of Feckenham for a term of five years , and Ebulo de Montibus , a Steward of the King 's Household , held the offices of constable and warden of Windsor castle and forest from 1266 until his death in 1268 .
10 Among those tipped to become the new party chief is Mr Wolfgang Berghofer , Dresden 's reformist mayor .
11 Among those tipped to become the new party chief is Mr Wolfgang Berghofer , Dresden 's reformist mayor .
12 Among those tipped to become the new party chief is Mr Wolfgang Berghofer , Dresden 's reformist mayor .
13 I acted as unofficial welfare officer for others and spent untold hours merely listening as the unworldly struggled to achieve the alternative vision of a new heaven on earth .
14 RENFE received compensation for some political prices , such as those used to support the Asturian coal mining industry .
15 This was clearly identified in the consensus statement from the King 's Fund : ‘ Until teaching is recognised to be an important professional activity ( comparable in status to clinical service , research and management ) it is unrealistic to expect those involved to devote the necessary time and effort to planning and implementing any new curriculum . ’
16 AS one of the many who helped defend Malta when the island was under siege in World War II , I was interested to read ( Echo March 19 ) that the Maltese Government is keen to issue medals to those involved to mark the 50th anniversary of the award of the G.C. to the island .
17 But they could not all go , for if the attempt failed , there must be those left to command the main army .
18 In July this year only six per cent of those surveyed considered the Soviet Union to be a threat to Australia 's security , this figure being an all-time low .
19 Nearly three-quarters of those questioned said the late timing and author 's reputation made it acceptable .
20 In 1983 a questionnaire given out by the Tourist Office asked visitors what pleased them most about Madeira : 35.7 per cent of those questioned said the natural beauty of the island , 13.6 per cent the friendliness of the residents , 12.4 per cent the climate , 8.4 per cent good hotels and 7.8 per cent the flowers .
21 These results compared very favourably with those obtained using the rule-based system .
22 First mounted to celebrate the 85th birthday of Graham Greene , this British Council exhibition pays tribute to the writer who had such close connections with the town
23 What follows is a personal observation based on visits in three regions of England to four fundholding and two non-fundholding practices and one poised to join the third wave .
24 Auschwitz was first created to liquidate the Polish intelligentsia , 270,000 of whom died there .
25 One girl in particular kept walking the red rope by the door and he could n't help but notice .
26 ‘ The third defendant denies the plaintiffs ' claim against him but if contrary to his contentions he is held liable to the plaintiffs , he claims against you to be indemnified against the plaintiffs ' claims and the costs of this action , alternatively contribution to such extent of the plaintiffs ' claims as the court may think fit , on the grounds that ( 1 ) at all material times , you were the accountants retained by and advising the plaintiffs and each of them in respect of the proposed transaction ( and in particular the financial aspects thereof ) in relation to which the said alleged liability of the plaintiffs and each of them to [ B.M.T. ] was incurred ; ( 2 ) in about the period from January to September 1983 , you acted in breach of contract and negligently towards the plaintiffs and each of them in that you failed to advise them properly or at all with regard to the said proposed transaction and the financial aspects thereof and in particular failed to explain the full nature and extent thereof to the plaintiffs and each of them and/or failed to advise the plaintiffs as to the commercial prudence of the same and/or the risks inherent in proceeding with the same and/or failed to warn them not to enter into the same ; ( 3 ) that in so far as any financial information was or may have been communicated by the third defendant he did so in reliance upon information supplied by you .
27 Suppose secondly that we have a demand for money , ex ante , which is less than that required to hold the growing stock of bank deposits .
28 Provided that the sound travel time h/c ( c is the sound speed in the object ) is short compared with the time for the impactor to fall through a scale height , stresses parallel to the axis should roughly be in hydrostatic equilibrium , with the axial stress at any point within the object being that required to decelerate the trailing mass .
29 Indeed , the Consultative Paper , para 9 , states that ‘ … it is envisaged that successful candidates will have demonstrated a knowledge of taxation at least equal to that required to pass the Associate examination of the IoT …
30 The lightning replied and then at last retired leaving the dull thunder the last fading word .
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