Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] their [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 According to the Algerian press this showed their reservations about the League 's functioning and political position .
2 Jivers young and old wiggled their bodies to the irresistible African rhythms .
3 The six received their awards from the Celebrities Guild of Great Britain at London 's Royal Garden Hotel .
4 29 aircraft claimed to have bombed the city , 21 brought their bombs back having failed to locate their targets and six jettisoned their loads in the sea .
5 By the end of the decade more than 1,200 had their snouts in the trough .
6 The Security Council debate had been preceded by a series of statements by and an exchange of letters between de Klerk and Mandela in which each stated their terms for the resumption of constitutional talks .
7 In Northern Ireland in 1988 , while 1105 companies were subject to quota legislation , only 298 met their obligations under the Act .
8 More disasters followed , when it was found that the track had been laid slightly out-of-gauge , and all of the new cars 27–41 broke their axles in the first two weeks .
9 Youngsters aged between 14 and 18 made their bids for the title of Cleveland 's Young Consumer of the Year at Middlesbrough town hall last night .
10 If you have a literary bent , there is a lot that will appeal to you here ; Wordsworth , Ruskin and Beatrix Potter all made their homes in the vicinity and today these ‘ shrines ’ are open to the public .
11 I had to repeat things again and again , hoping that something would sink in , but I was rewarded for my efforts with the satisfaction of knowing that they all passed their examinations at the end of the year .
12 In England George I and George II devoted their energies to the organization and discipline of their army in a way that no Stuart king had ever done .
13 Many directed their comments at the Indemnity as well at the Compensation Fund .
14 In the intervening years it is estimated that 111 died while trying to escape and a further 77 lost their lives on the Berlin Wall itself , with most of these deaths occurring in the 1960s .
15 While they all took their places along the tables , Tamar 's thoughts went back to similar evenings at Aumery Park Farm .
16 Sun Microsystems Inc , Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp all grew their shares over the same period .
17 Sun , Hewlett and IBM all grew their shares over the same period .
18 The exhibition comprised posters tracing the development of the alkali industry and the companies Corning Glass , Courtaulds Coatings , Rohm and Haas and Sterling Winthrop , together with memorabilia from the companies , which all had their origins in the north-east .
19 The constituent groups of the PLO , Fatah , PFLP , DFLP and the Communist Party , all had their cadres in the territories which maintained their outward anonymity to avoid arrest .
20 Too many of the respectable labouring poor ended their lives in the workhouse or on out-door relief — 50 per cent of those reaching the age of sixty , according to Joseph Chamberlain in 1891 .
21 The image of the miners as gladiators for women during the Grunwick strike by Asian women in London in the late seventies and the hospital workers ' strikes during the early eighties veiled their reservations about the rights of women in general , which have been entrenched in the culture of their community .
22 While directors like Ken Russell and Nic Roeg carried on along their own idiosyncratic paths , and many of the directors who had flourished in the 1960s packed their bags for the trip to LA , there were no indications that those left behind had begun to face up to the economic realities of British film production , or what would have to be done to patch up the damage done to the craft of filmmaking , more particularly screenwriting , during the dead times of the 1950s and into the 1960s .
23 Fifty thousand Sudanese lost their homes to the rising waters of Lake Nasser .
24 Throughout the evening of 26 May this year , the two dipped their fingers in the oil ten times , each time reducing it to a spot or two .
25 The houses of Hohenstaufen ( Ghibellines ) and Welf ( Guelphs ) both pressed their claims to the royal crown but as already described , Frederick Barbarossa succeeded in his claim .
26 Many of the hardened professionals occupying top posts in broadcasting and telecommunications in the 1980S began their careers in the 1940S and 1950S : for all the progress made towards a recognition of the independence of broadcasters , the communications sector ( or ‘ landscape ’ ) bears the imprint in 1990 as in 1944 of years of crises and reforms , of purges and witch-hunts .
27 Finally , in the crisis of 1808 some of the reformists and many of the radical intellectuals deserted the national cause and served ‘ the intruder ’ , the French king , Joseph I. To traditionalists this treason was inevitable since both derived their ideas from the national enemy .
28 ‘ They both lost their husbands in the war .
29 On the more serious side , make a pilgrimage to the infamous ‘ Death Railway ’ in the River Kwai Valley where thousands lost their lives during the Second World War .
30 Gillian Elders , 19 , and Michael Pearson , 28 , both won their sections in the British Gas Caterbility competition in Newcastle .
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