Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As expected Object World ‘ 92 got off to a dramatic and bitchy start with the opening panel session which , on the day , featured Paul Allchin , Microsoft Corp 's vice president for advanced products , Philippe Kahn , founder of Borland International Inc , Steve McKay , SunSoft Inc vice president for user environment software and Joe Guglielmi , head of Taligent Inc as the great and glorious warm-up act for NeXT Inc 's Steve Jobs who topped the bill .
2 Use of mundic tailed off in the Fifties .
3 Some of them started to run towards the airport building , and a few knelt down on the wet tarmac .
4 He landed and stared down at me and at the blood of my broken wing , his terrible beak opening just a little with the pleasure of what he saw ; while I hung there , trying to watch all three at once and knowing that one of them would attack suddenly and then be gone as another came in from a different direction .
5 She turned up ten days later , stranded on a coral reef in the Bahamas with most of her gear missing and her starboard bilges half ripped out by the savage coral heads .
6 Most of the true species are single-flowers , and seldom bloom beyond the one initial burst — this showed out in the early English crosses .
7 Unfortunately this fell out on the third ascent .
8 stop it , so so he had to erm just talk to our solicitors this morning and try and get this sorted out between the two solicitors .
9 Three or four dropped into the darkness and choc ice wrappers , dead ; a few fluttered aimlessly to rest around us ; some took off into the vast space above .
10 This went on for a long time .
11 Er , thank you , Mr Chairman , to me erm , this went on from the first paper that chose the effects of the food and management of the er , the fire local services , whereas carried through and it will be interesting to see next year er what the situation is , in order to the position of the as it were , this year , benefit of everything that has previous administration .
12 This went on until the sixteenth century when Henry VIII ordered his chief fruiterer , Richard Harris , to visit France and learn about apple cultivation .
13 From their Edwardian dominance of golf and tennis , the British slipped back to the second rank .
14 But she did , and was another won over by the famous charm .
15 Quite a few wound up in the private labs in Switzerland .
16 It is important , however , not to project this split back into the 1470s .
17 It is important , however , not to project this split back into the 1470s .
18 Their enterprising approach brought them profits ; the Hudson 's Bay Company got 10 beaverskins for a gun at its posts on the Bay , but to the Indians this was the final stage in a complicated pattern of inland trade , so that when the French travelled out to the central hunting areas they were able to save the Indians all the transport and trading costs and could get 30 beaverskins for a gun .
19 That came back through a separate AC30 so they could both distort to their hearts ’ content and not interfere with each other .
20 That came out of the Current Issues in Agricultural Economics book .
21 Cos that came out of the old one
22 Catering & Allied came up with a novel solution : copy the stock file on to one of the two 128k data packs which fit into the back of a Psion Organiser , update that file ‘ on the hoof ’ ; and copy the updated file back to the desktop computer .
23 The development of an elite theory which dared to call itself such came about in the late nineteenth century as a reaction particularly against the radical egalitarian democratic ideals of Karl Marx and the Western European socialist movements .
24 The pattern changed again on the 25th as a strong , cold northwesterly dug in behind a complex series of troughs , the precipitation turning increasingly wintry .
25 The annual growth of world trade in 1991 slowed down for the third successive year , according to the annual report of the Director-General of GATT , issued on March 18 .
26 From the window of his room on the top floor of the tenement building , Joe could see down into old Mr Webb 's office at the rear of the shop , and the outline of scores of books were clearly visible poled up against the filthy windows .
27 Ridden by Peter Scudamore , Nigel Twiston-Davies 's seven-year-old took over from the ill-fated Combermere at the 13th of the 27 fences and , staying on strongly approaching the last , drew clear of the top-weight Dalkey Sound to record an impressive eight-length victory .
28 However , Jacques Etienne never forgot his Hebridean origins and in 1826 set off on the long , difficult journey to his father 's home at Howbeg .
29 The mean number of hits for a stimulus was 13.94 and the mean number of false alarms was 5.25 , each measured out of a possible maximum of 20 .
30 A ministerial statement issued after the killings claimed that , on parking the car , the three moved off toward the Spanish border where they were challenged by the security forces .
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