Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most importantly this project is a microcosm of the best of the Highlander ideas — the people who were most disadvantaged pooled their energies into a collective involvement which identified the sort of information which they needed in order to take further action .
2 Around half returned almost immediately , while half deferred their studies for a year .
3 According to the Algerian press this showed their reservations about the League 's functioning and political position .
4 Jivers young and old wiggled their bodies to the irresistible African rhythms .
5 I trust this answered your queries on the increase in the annual subscription and your members ' satisfaction , that they still consider it good value for money .
6 The six received their awards from the Celebrities Guild of Great Britain at London 's Royal Garden Hotel .
7 29 aircraft claimed to have bombed the city , 21 brought their bombs back having failed to locate their targets and six jettisoned their loads in the sea .
8 By the end of the decade more than 1,200 had their snouts in the trough .
9 The accused left his clothes on a beach in Miami and resurfaced under a false identity in Australia .
10 The Security Council debate had been preceded by a series of statements by and an exchange of letters between de Klerk and Mandela in which each stated their terms for the resumption of constitutional talks .
11 In Northern Ireland in 1988 , while 1105 companies were subject to quota legislation , only 298 met their obligations under the Act .
12 More disasters followed , when it was found that the track had been laid slightly out-of-gauge , and all of the new cars 27–41 broke their axles in the first two weeks .
13 She was always clean , you could n't fault her for cleanliness , but I 'm sure she must of either washed her clothes in the toilets , you know , wash basin in the toilets because that was the only thing she had was one bag and she used to , er , her pension book was in and er erm
14 Youngsters aged between 14 and 18 made their bids for the title of Cleveland 's Young Consumer of the Year at Middlesbrough town hall last night .
15 If you have a literary bent , there is a lot that will appeal to you here ; Wordsworth , Ruskin and Beatrix Potter all made their homes in the vicinity and today these ‘ shrines ’ are open to the public .
16 I had to repeat things again and again , hoping that something would sink in , but I was rewarded for my efforts with the satisfaction of knowing that they all passed their examinations at the end of the year .
17 In England George I and George II devoted their energies to the organization and discipline of their army in a way that no Stuart king had ever done .
18 Many directed their comments at the Indemnity as well at the Compensation Fund .
19 In the intervening years it is estimated that 111 died while trying to escape and a further 77 lost their lives on the Berlin Wall itself , with most of these deaths occurring in the 1960s .
20 While they all took their places along the tables , Tamar 's thoughts went back to similar evenings at Aumery Park Farm .
21 Sun Microsystems Inc , Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp all grew their shares over the same period .
22 Sun , Hewlett and IBM all grew their shares over the same period .
23 An article based on interviews with Betty Sinclair shortly before her death in 1981 discussed her attitudes during the early months of NICRA :
24 They all bought their tickets from an Abingdon based company , Sportsworld Travel , which held exclusive rights to sell them in Britain .
25 The exhibition comprised posters tracing the development of the alkali industry and the companies Corning Glass , Courtaulds Coatings , Rohm and Haas and Sterling Winthrop , together with memorabilia from the companies , which all had their origins in the north-east .
26 The constituent groups of the PLO , Fatah , PFLP , DFLP and the Communist Party , all had their cadres in the territories which maintained their outward anonymity to avoid arrest .
27 Too many of the respectable labouring poor ended their lives in the workhouse or on out-door relief — 50 per cent of those reaching the age of sixty , according to Joseph Chamberlain in 1891 .
28 The Central Bank of Brazil on Oct. 29 suspended its operations on the domestic gold market , to prevent foreign exchange reserves from falling to critical levels .
29 The image of the miners as gladiators for women during the Grunwick strike by Asian women in London in the late seventies and the hospital workers ' strikes during the early eighties veiled their reservations about the rights of women in general , which have been entrenched in the culture of their community .
30 The same logic was evident in the self justification offered by one of the parents who in 1987 withdrew their children from a school in the Yorkshire town of Dewsbury because the majority of pupils were of South Asian origin .
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