Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Attempts to identify a murine homologue of LFA-3 led to the unexpected finding that mouse CD2 interacts with a different molecule , BCM1 ( CD48 ) 49 .
2 He confirms the analysis of western society given in Chapter 2 : " The problem for most RE teachers is … that the minds of the pupils are tightly closed against the possibility that reality might plausibly be seen in any other way than that transmitted via the dominant culture . "
3 The store will be quite separate from that planned by the Central Electricity Generating Board to house spent nuclear fuel before it is reprocessed .
4 But it remains the case that the current rate of increase in unemployment is considerably lower than that experienced in the early part of last year . ’
5 If it is assumed that the expected volume of output is roughly equal to that experienced in the previous year , , then the higher is , the greater will gross investment tend to be .
6 Although , therefore , the seizure was not intended to be permanent , conventual houses were largely unmolested , and wherever possible existing religious were allowed to farm the alien priories , the protraction of the war and the intention of the king to profit from this source as much as possible led to the permanent secularization of some monastic lands , and the extended management and farming of others by laymen as well as by royal clerks .
7 If the transferred employee insists on moving into bigger or more ‘ up market ’ accommodation , the excess mortgage allowance is based on the price of housing comparable with that owned in the old area .
8 After participation in the CU , and the adoption by the CU of CET against non-members equal to that applied by the domestic economy before the union , then the commodity will be imported from the union partner .
9 C ) r74(1–517) ( circles ) and r74(1–435) ( squares ) was each titrated against the fixed amount of r30 and resulting transcripts were quantitated by an image analyzer ( Fuji BAS2000 ) and expressed as an arbitrary unit .
10 In fact , those who support the introduction of a Bill of Rights tend to see the state in essentially " negative " terms : it is regarded as the only real threat to individual freedom and liberty ( apart from that posed by the collective activity of trade unions ) because freedom itself is defined negatively as simply involving an absence of public and legal restraint on individual action .
11 If it does the alternative of a statutory limit on hours of work similar to that proposed by the European Commission would destroy any semblance of manpower control just as surely as Field 's proposals .
12 Mobutu had intended that the Assembly , made up largely of members of his Mouvement populaire de la révolution ( MPR ) , should draft an alternative constitution to that proposed by the national conference in September [ see p. 39082-83 ] .
13 The postulate put forward in this study is that the potential meaning of to before the infinitive is more abstract than that found in the spatial use of the preposition , and can be stated as follows : the possibility of a movement from a point in time conceived as a before-position to another point in time which marks the end-point of the movement and which represents an after-position with respect to the first .
14 The age distribution of known opioid users was similar to that found in the first survey , with 69 per cent being aged between 16 and 24 years ( compared to 75 per cent in 1984–5 ) .
15 The first point is that , of the five people generally named in any discussion of the generation gap theory , four are Free Presbyterians , which is a similar concentration to that found in the first generation of Paisley activists .
16 The basis for supposing that there are hereditary factors in the aetiology of peptic ulcer disease is provided by studies showing aggregation of peptic ulcers in the families of affected individuals to a greater extent than that found in the general population .
17 The general pattern of pausing in this experiment proved to be very similar to that found in the earlier experiment ; subjects tended to pause at clause boundaries .
18 The main point , however , of the section on the Germanic tribes is a discussion of the nature of feudalism , and this is little different from that found in The German Ideology .
19 It is interesting that the dose-response effect we found in these coeliac disease children is similar to that found in the single gluten challenge study by Ciclitira et al , which showed no evidence of jejunal mucosal damage after the infusion of 10 mg of gliadin , minimal changes after 100 mg of gliadin , and noticeable histological changes after an additional 500 mg challenge .
20 They would stress the doctrinal fluidity within some , if not all , Protestant movements and the absence of a mechanism of censorship as centralized or as effective as that supervised by the Holy Office in Rome .
21 It was widely believed in the western world that north Korea was simply created by the Soviet Union in a manner similar to that used by the Soviet Union in eastern Europe .
22 Terminology as far as possible conforms to that used by the Electronic Engineering Association and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in their software standards publications .
23 This is a different expression from that used in the 1959 Act which was " new applicants " and was taken to mean not only applicants for new certificates but also applicants for the renewal or transfer of certificates at present in the name of other persons .
24 Although the initial explanation of the scale was identical to that used in the present study , it is possible that the labelling of the end points may have encouraged subjects to use numbers nearer to the middle of the scale .
25 The 1988 Act adopts the same definition of " consumer " as that used in the 1977 Act .
26 The lexicon system provided with the ANLT is sufficiently large however to be of comparable size to that used in the probabilistic system .
27 And in language identical to that used in the Municipal Alliance critique of the Labour council declared that their object was
28 ‘ Post accident flight tests revealed that deployment of speed brakes during the landing roll produced an horizontal stabiliser load condition spectrum which was significantly different to that used in the original design . ’
29 The suspension is the same as that used in the Sunny GTi , which makes it firm without being too hard .
30 Phosphorus accumulation reached a maximum during the deposition of unit VI ( Table 1a ) when the per capita output of 0.31–0.54kgyr -1 was similar to that reported for the Classic Maya .
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