Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] a [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 So I do n't think anyone here as an elected member , needs to defend their positions if they wish to move from a political or a bureaucratic policy to something which is more pluralist and much more representative of the kind of policies that this council should be discussing not only now but also in the future .
2 He also arranged to have a guitar I wished to sell collected on my behalf — all this and a wicked deal to boot !
3 This was ridiculous and wrong and an alarming testimony to the insidious power of the media , although I doubt that Christie would care very much about that .
4 Knee : The knee is a complex joint and a hard kick to the front , side or back of it could produce permanent damage .
5 It would be a tragedy if the use of violence or any confusion introduced by irregular elements on the picket lines were to divide and deflect the support given by responsible trade unionists all over the country aimed at achieving an early and a peaceful solution to this problem .
6 Gothin et al , studying six adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease and growth failure ( three with Crohn 's disease and three with ulcerative colitis ) , showed a normal sleep related serum growth hormone response in all six but a blunted response to arginine in one patient and to insulin in three patients .
7 From his learning experiences at this time Horton moved to an interest in the Danish idea of Folk Schools which were based on non-formal , largely oral , methods of learning , and which embraced both contemporary political and a cultural side to the education .
8 She is a strict disciplinarian treated with great respect by her customers , but she is kind-hearted and a good friend to Lizzie Hexam .
9 Although occasionally Nizan 's assessment of a writer fluctuated over a period of time ( Gide , Giono , Mauriac ) , although on occasions Nizan was simultaneously attracted and repelled by individual writers ( Mauriac , Drieu la Rochelle , Celine ) , the bottom line was always a clear differentiation between a progressive and a reactionary attitude to culture .
10 The Programme will have both a specific and a general relevance to current policy concerns .
11 ‘ I never did understand , an old man like that and a five-star general to boot , why he went around dressed up like a nineteen-year-old Second Lieutenant , ’ said Truman , reminiscing years afterwards to Merle Miller .
12 Coriolanus is seen as a magnificent warrior , a psychologically damaged mother-worshipper and a potential threat to an evolving republic .
13 What was important was a shared antagonism towards democracy and the left and a common commitment to some sort of authoritarian , corporate state .
14 Now , on any view , this was both an inadequate and a misleading indication to the driver of the nature of his right under section 8(2) and what the exercise of that right would involve and I agree entirely with the decision of the Divisional Court allowing the defendant 's appeal from his conviction of an offence under section 5 by justices based on the admission in evidence of the breath specimen .
15 However , as an act of self-advocacy it is both a very powerful and an excellent riposte to the ‘ trailing edge ’ of those professionals and parents who still insist that people with learning difficulties say nothing worth hearing .
16 The careers and higher education information is dynamic , interactive , specialist , comprehensive and time-saving and an excellent aid to school staff whose time is at a premium .
17 Piper may be articulate and polite , but he is genuinely tough and a real threat to Benn — who I believe must get through to him in the first six rounds or face disaster .
18 Even if we were to obtain substantial concessions and eliminate all our strategic nuclear weapons , we could not eliminate all theirs , so we would merely leave them with a residual capability which would be overwhelming and a continual menace to ourselves .
19 Then it occurred to her that this new plan would require two letters — this first and an explanatory note to Edwin , which was tiresome .
20 DNA typing showed the same or a similar strain to be present in at least two family members in three of the four family groups .
21 Instead , the vendor will normally seek undertakings from the purchaser only to operate the business in the same or a similar manner to the way it was operated before the sale .
22 The greatest stir was caused by Britain 's growing friendship with Russia , culminating in an Anglo-Russian Convention in 1907 and an official visit to Britain by the Tsar two years later .
23 They assume this oral culture to be inferior and a major contributor to the ‘ backwardness ’ of so-called primitive societies .
24 De Lattre , it seems , had himself in mind as a Supreme Allied Commander for Southeast Asia and his proposals for a joint intelligence operation together with a strategic reserve of six or eight divisions would , if it had come to anything , have meant not only an American but a British commitment to French fortunes in Indo-China .
25 Such combinations of a religious and a scientific approach to biology are particularly obvious in impressionistic work of this kind .
26 ‘ There is a positive and a negative side to parenting a tennis player .
27 Pyatt crashed in combinations at will in the third and a punishing left to the jaw broke the Guyanan 's resistance , and referee Richard Davies rightly intervened .
28 However , single or limited colour schemes can be very lovely and a popular addition to the garden .
29 In 1970 President Nixon affirmed ‘ we are for Israel because Israel in our view is the only state in the Mideast which is pro-freedom and an effective opponent to Soviet expansion . ’
30 Both the Full Moon in Taurus on the 10th and an explosive aspect to Pluto on the 14th denote that two 's company , three 's a crowd .
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