Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adv] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Busy accountants would obviously like to save the 100 or so hours of training time that structured CPE can save them ( through the difference between obtaining the recommended target of 150 CPE points from 50 structured hours or 150 unstructured hours ) .
2 But the invitation has now been widened to include 100 or so members of parliament , partly because of their new willingness to negotiate , partly to counter-balance the heads of 11 of Russia 's 19 semi-autonomous republics who have already rejected the draft .
3 The impressions gained from the WHO collaborative studies on the relationship between maternal age and the capability of fetus to survive the early and intermediately period of gestation are supported by more reliable national data from a European country .
4 Only 5ft 8ins tall and under 10st in weight , he covers the ground quicker than anyone I have recently seen , with the exception of one he resembles , South Africa 's Jonty Rhodes .
5 After the nest is complete and around 30cm in diameter , the male nudges the female under it and egg laying begins .
6 I gathered together the various sawn-up and wrenched-apart pieces of putter and put them in a drawer .
7 Indeed , there is a pressure group to get more women MPs , called the 300 Group , which seeks 300 out of the 600 or so seats in Parliament for women .
8 A new entrant , joining in July 1960 , had devilled for all but one of the dozen or so lawyers by Christmas .
9 Toby had a cupboard there in which he threw his golf clubs , normally with a high degree of disgust , and where he kept a dozen or so bottles of wine .
10 After retirement these expectations may no longer even be relevant , yet habits die hard and probably patterns of caring have already been established which will go on exerting an influence even though there is no longer any need .
11 So I live with a constant and uncomely reminder of folly and failure , and no doubt it does me good .
12 A shift to kerosene is very costly and nowadays fuel for cooking may absorb to up to 15–20 per cent of a poor household 's income ( see Schroeder 1977 , Ives 1981 ) .
13 In any particular society , real life suggests to us that the answers are neither black nor white but rather shades of grey .
14 The 3,000 or so subscribers to Mountain will help to bolster High 's circulation figures with the added hope that when the ex- Mountain subscriptions expire , some will renew them with High .
15 Aileron forces are fine at low speeds , but as the IAS increases they get heavier , despite their balance tabs , until at 250 knots , using one 's biceps most efficiently , one can just achieve an acceptable roll-rate of sixty or so degrees per second to the left , while backhanded right rolls are truly slow rolls .
16 Around her squealed and shouted the sixty or so pupils of Thrush Green Church of England Primary School .
17 This we traced to a cylindrical metal box ( about 2′ long and about 8″ in diameter ) located under the nearside front wheelarch .
18 Form into a roll about 46cm/18in long and about 2.5cm/1in in diameter .
19 He went the long way home , but did not go down the little gang plank to the barge of a friend of his — a woman who kept ten or so cats on board and brewed some awful drink out of peaches .
20 During a stay in Italy de Superville produced 2,500 or so drawings of Tuscan , Umbrian and Roman works of art , intended to be used as illustrations for a history of art .
21 He gave the city not eighty or so acres of ground , but more like two hundred and twenty , he burned to have the funds to take up lovingly every acre of those two hundred and twenty , and tenderly brush away the dust of centuries from every artifact he expected to recover ; and his expectations were high .
22 Pour about two inches of this mixture into a shallow tray and submerge 50 or so lengths of reed at a time .
23 It does not , for instance , impinge on the fifteen or so criteria for sound initial teacher training which come from the CATE in its guidance about the professional education of those who teach in schools .
24 Quite an impressive sight , we may suppose , as she pitched and tossed in full sail across the Atlantic with fifteen or so mariners on board .
25 Of the one hundred or so mosaics under examination only twenty are figured .
26 Further , the claim is made that his criterion has withstood tests against episodes from the last two hundred or so years of physics in a superior way to rival criteria that have been proposed .
27 The implied senior rating is double-A-plus and about $285m of debt is affected .
28 Firstly , building was always expensive and so periods of activity may well represent periods of prosperity .
29 Chu Okongwu had been Minister of Finance until January 1990 and then Minister of Cabinet Affairs .
30 Chu Okongwu had been Minister of Finance until January 1990 and then Minister of Cabinet Affairs .
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