Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If children record and graph each other 's ideas comparisons are easier and can lead to fruitful discussions about where the ideas came from .
2 The change was announced internally on April 2 and will extend to all units in the US .
3 Each School will be residential and will cater for 8–10 sports and 80–100 athletes , senior coaches and trainee coaches .
4 New members enrolled from September get three months free but must pay at 1987 rate .
5 New members enrolled from September get three months free but must pay at 1987 rate .
6 A state may declare that , provided there is reciprocity , it will make no charge for the services necessary for executing letters rogatory or will accept in complete satisfaction of the cost of such services either the fixed amount mentioned above or some other amount .
7 But they do n't eat much and can live for 15 years .
8 There is fierce competition in this lucrative market , with polytechnics and universities mounting recruitment drives in the middle and far east using high-powered sales techniques , some of which are not wholly appropriate and may lead to unrealistic expectations on the part of prospective students .
9 I am innovative and can think of new ways of using old materials , such as making toys from everyday household items
10 Such aid would commence as soon as possible and would continue in 1991 .
11 The breed in Sweden is strong and can compete with any country .
12 I think that to support this motion would be extremely unfortunate and would lead to potential disaster , not for the county council but indeed for the Highfields community .
13 This project was launched in 1984 and will continue until 1988 .
14 At present there are people who choose to display a green learner plate for a period of time after they have passed their test , but this is only optional and may lead to other coloured learner plates being sold which then may not be taken seriously .
15 Five or six in use at one time is usually too many and can lead to distorted work .
17 These are very useful and should last for several seasons .
18 This activity was a feature of 1992 and will continue into 1993 .
19 These powers are very crafty and will look for any opportunity to get at us .
20 The children started at 5 and could stay until 16 .
21 Allosaurus was about 11 metres long and could walk at 5 mph ( 8 kph ) , double the speed of the giant herbivores , who could retreat into deep water .
22 While there is no doubt that ROM can cause oxidative DNA damage leading to base changes , strand breaks , and enhanced expression of proto-oncogenes , and that oxidative stress can induce malignant transformation in cell culture , the relation between these observations and the development of malignancy in vivo is more complex and will depend on other factors such as the rate of damage , antioxidant defences , DNA repair mechanisms , and the necessity for multiple steps ( initiation , promotion , and progression ) .
23 The ranking of the modalities and concomitants relates to the individual symptoms concerned and should fall into one of the above categories .
24 Training after a main event should be much less dynamic and should concentrate on improving technique in preparation for the next competition .
25 The human suffering which results from an accident can be severe and can result in some form of life-long disablement or disfigurement for the victim , not forgetting the stress and guilt which is borne by the person who may have had some responsibility for the accident occurring .
26 He also believed that the worker was rational and would respond to financial incentives as a way of increasing productivity .
27 The increase was to be backdated to June 1 and would rise to 75 per cent by the last quarter of 1991 .
28 Thus if demand is low the industry should produce Q 1 and will operate at less than full capacity .
29 For a ramped acceleration/deceleration control the task of excitation timing is particularly arduous and may lead to excessive storage requirements , cause the length of each step during acceleration and deceleration occupies a separate storage location .
30 All the points raised so far are conceptual rather than practical and would apply to any publication method from hand-set lead type through to true electronic publishing .
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