Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [pron] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All this activity did little or nothing to reduce the level of local taxation .
2 By early 1973 it was clear that they would do little or nothing to protect the exchange rate from the impact of domestic policies , and indeed increasingly resented the attempts of European and Japanese central banks to prevent the dollar rate from finding its own level .
3 The Vendor is not in relation to the Business a party to any agreement , practice or arrangement which contravenes or is subject to registration under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 , the Resale Prices Act 1976 or the Competition Act 1980 or which contravenes the provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1973 or which would or might either result in a reference to a ‘ consumer trade practice ’ within the meaning of Section 13 of the Fair Trading Act 1973 or to the Consumer Protection Advisory Committee under Part II of that Act or contravene any of the provisions of Articles 85 or 86 of the Treaty of Rome or any other anti-trust or consumer protection legislation .
4 Either that or we write a couple of variations on the end of this and we say the general access conforms to this but in their case , the other one is pre-booked , the extras and they have a booking schedule .
5 It 's either that or you 'd no job , and
6 You know there might ha , there might have been three hundred ya , three hundred yards of houses semis and detached and they had a bit of land , but all the back of that , that was theirs !
7 You need a television , yeah , but you need a special special dish erm in Eurostep 's own publicity — I looked at this and they say the programme is available with , you know , sort of cheap and readily available sort of satellite dishes .
8 D' ya remember going through this and what did the fella say on the phone , can you remember ?
9 Many agency nurses do this and it poses no problems .
10 St. Tue , whose hermit 's cell was nearby , heard of this and he attended the gathering to challenge Ulther , the leader of the giants , to a trial of strength .
11 Drink more than this and you run the risk of developing high blood pressure , which in turn can lead to heart attack or stroke .
12 I was asked to write to Wyre Borough Council about this and I enclose a copy of the letter I sent .
13 An emphasis upon such occasions , taken in conjunction with the opinion surveys , could lead to the son of conclusion proposed by Shils and Young ( 1975 ) : the British people love their monarchy and this love is expressed during coronations and suchlike ceremonies with an intensity which borders on the mystical and which strengthens the sense of national community .
14 Mother 's own experience as a child had taught her to be self-sufficient and she needed a lot of support and practice at learning how to meet Maria 's emotional and social needs .
15 ‘ The assurances are OK and we have no intention of either looking elsewhere or altering our original itinerary , ’ Smith said .
16 Her fears were groundless and she slid the door back .
17 I go down and get me paper and take it back up , we have a teasmade and we have a cup of tea and
18 He thought it was funny and who needs a Mary Poppins LP , a Beatles poster , a sequinned belt , anyway .
19 The fact was that the board got it wrong and we took the blame .
20 But I could have been wrong and I had no means of checking my suspicions .
21 Now John was not afraid to tell somebody as great as John that he was wrong and I see no reason why this general assembly should be afraid or inhibited about telling the authorities that they are wrong .
22 To imagine that there is er a great undercurrent of violence inside our football grounds is now quite wrong and I think the game is n't getting enough credit for the way in which it 's tackled it .
23 Now that was er , it was er or they were oranges what had been cut in half and they had the centre taken out so it was just the orange peel and that was pressed into these barrels , filled with water and that was then brought up on to the quay , left on the quay and that used to go to .
24 Everyone is keen to see otter , but again they prove elusive and we round the north of the island with nothing other than a few passing gannet , some tysties and shags and a couple of rabbits spotted among the peaty banks .
25 The government 's moves to widen abortion and to extend the principle of co-determination in industry both caused controversy , yet Schmidt 's personal popularity remained high and he survived the test of the October 1976 election .
26 Pitch your bid too high and you run the risk of driving your opponent away from the negotiating table .
27 Here is what you must memorise : These words are Latin and they form the basis of the secret to this trick .
28 Oh that juice , you know when erm they 're six weeks old and you get the bounty packs ?
29 I was then sixty-four years old and I started a business again as John
30 ever so old and I lost the thing
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