Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [verb] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Amidst the usual panic that surrounds such occasions , I tried to keep calm and asked Mother to hand me the landing net .
2 The pitch patterns of a foreign language applied to English sound wrong and give rise to difficulties of communication .
3 Eggs are spherical but give rise to animals with well-defined axes with heads at one end and ‘ tails ’ at the other .
4 Please supply a valid package selection ( space fill field if LATEST required or set field to H to track by highest ) .
5 On the one hand there is severe mental illness in mothers , possibly psychotic and requiring admission to specialist units .
6 There was an awareness among people outside schools that schools could choose between a range of approaches to the curriculum ( Lawton 1986 ) and there was an expectation that the chosen curriculum in , for instance , each primary school was one which would create the basis of a rational , moral and enquiring attitude to learning and to future experience .
7 About wet conditions that may be dangerous but give rise to regeneration , and scorched ones that appear daunting but may lead to growth . ’
8 The tension in her slackened and gave way to curiosity as she pulled out instead a gold-embossed card .
9 In any case , not all bishops had sympathized with Winchelsey , whose tactless and blundering adherence to principle divided the bench .
10 Oxford had fled into exile in 1471 but was arrested after his involvement in the unrest of 1473 and sent prisoner to Hammes , one of the Calais fortresses , where he remained until his escape in 1484 .
11 Oxford had fled into exile in 1471 but was arrested after his involvement in the unrest of 1473 and sent prisoner to Hammes , one of the Calais fortresses , where he remained until his escape in 1484 .
12 I see the whole chapter as a subtle but misconceived footnote to Crime and Punishment ; in these pages , instead of brushing past Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov in his return upon the underground man , Dostoevsky has allowed himself to be obstructed by them , and the result is a Stavrogin who compounds Raskolnikov 's bracing himself to enter the police station ‘ as a man ’ and confess with Svidrigailov 's reaching out in all directions , including the far extremes of moral and physical debauchery , in the hope that something , it does n't matter what , will make him unbored .
13 The town has also ar institution called the Spittel , built from an endowment of 1225 which laid an obligation upon the Teutonic Order to maintain a hospice for tending the poor and providing hospitality to pilgrims .
14 The first two of these are generally the most important and give rise to rates and methods for temporal and international comparison .
15 Pople has been instrumental in setting up computer programs like Polatom , Hondo and Gaussian and giving access to computer graphical methods for representing simple molecules .
16 It is considered that a service call access scheme would enable staff to become aware and provide assistance to users . ’
17 His acrid and accusing farewell to London was Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ( 1920 ) .
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