Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This meant that school-children taking ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels were not moved during this crucial time and so disruption to schooling did not present a major problem for parents .
2 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
3 On political union key issues included strengthening the role of the European Parliament and the concept of European citizenship , while the Mitterrand-Kohl joint letter added the wider and more sensitive issues of possible joint security and even defence policies .
4 Put together with a faith vision of the contemporary social world as inherently secularist and radically subversive of Roman catholic values , the combination is significantly reactionary and ethnocentric .
5 One is that the background cleavage is greatly reduced by the separation of unbound DNA from the DNA-protein complex pool prior to treatment The second is the so called ‘ caging effect ’ occurring in the gel ( 4 ) which , by increasing the effective concentration of the interacting components , slows their electrophoretic escape after dissociation leading to oriented diffusional search and thus enhancement of the concentration-dependent reassociation reaction .
6 The main result of the Keynesian theory is that the level of real national income and therefore employment is determined largely by the level of aggregate demand .
7 There was a close working partnership between them , in governments and in opposition , for fifteen years , but it was untinted by much mutual affection or even comprehension .
8 Leese 's ludicrous argument appeared even more bizarre , given his inflexible belief that acquired characteristics could not be inherited and that genetic endowment and not environment , culture or education determined behaviour ; when applied to mankind these ideas led him to criticize Spengler and other nationalists for seeing culture rather than race as determining human action .
9 It is argued that it is the present two-tier education system , as defined by policy and practice , which is the primary disabling factor and not deafness per se .
10 The key factors encouraging gradual absorption and then integration are being identified , while the failure of sectarianism to be completely eradicated looms large in the investigation .
11 Madge 's argument for the use of participant observation was that the ordinary interview situation is such a highly artificial social situation that both questioner and informant are in false positions .
12 He had been a sub-editor in those days , working for a huge magazine corporation , and they had struck up an instant rapport , and when he was made first assistant editor and then editor , always moving from magazine to magazine , he had pushed work her way whenever he could .
13 The first is that they have become much more reliant upon state benefits : first supplementary benefit and latterly income support ( which replaced supplementary benefit in 1988 ) .
14 A lurcher has all the necessary speed to catch and seize any speeding rabbit or even hare , but in truth virtually any dog that 's half a dog can catch a bolting rabbit during ferreting .
15 An important feature of owner-occupancy in rural areas is that the stock of housing is relatively limited in any given location and hence choice is restricted .
16 Show the total amount paid to or receivable by third parties ( other than connected persons ) for making available the services of any person as a director of the company or any subsidiary undertaking while also director of the company .
17 The distribution of the data was Gaussian for normal and inflamed squamous oesophagitis and therefore analysis of variance was used to calculate the significance of intergroup distribution compared with intragroup variation to 95% confidence intervals .
18 In those days , however , Otago were lacking in genuine playing talent while further north Canterbury and then Auckland were passing through golden and successful eras .
19 But the application of knowledge drives a new learning curve and strong arguments can be made for using regional funds to develop new technologies in the interests of local economic growth where both industry and the university can benefit .
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