Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 The revised Investment Business Regulations may reduce the unnecessary administrative burden created by the original regulations , and relaxing the statutory audit requirement for small companies may provide firms with an opportunity to provide their clients with more valuable services , while at the same time reducing their professional risk .
2 Baggy welts , ugly v-necks , that grubby line caused by the carriage rubbing against the side of the front which was held on the needles while the first side of the front neck was being knitted …
3 It leads only to the Charles Inglis Clark mountain hut , a prestigious private hut owned by the Scottish Mountaineering Club and hence frequented by respectable rock-climbing doctors , lawyers and accountants .
4 Total outstanding credit provided by the Fund had also risen ( from SDR24,388 million to SDR25,603 million , but compared with a peak of SDR37,622 million at the end of April 1985 ) .
5 His hand-built furniture has a strong architectural feel epitomised by the sophisticated Gothick Conservatory range ( as shown above and left ) .
6 Health authorities in general can call on a wide range of hospital and other staff in the course of de-hospitalizing patients , they have enjoyed their own financial resources from which to fund such developments and they have had the lucky coincidence of a rapidly expanding private residential sector funded by the social security system .
7 Petre was the principal representative of an enlightened , tolerant , rather tepid English Catholicism shared by the small but powerful grouping of ‘ old ’ Catholic families .
8 The process of confession , contrition and restitution was originally instituted as a public act through which individual members of society were reconciled to each other in that social harmony signified by the kiss of peace at the Mass which was the condition for the reception of Christ at the eucharist .
9 For the purposes of this paper , only a portion of the total semantic field covered by the English term is relevant .
10 Is the right hon. Gentleman frustrated by the edicts of the Secretary of State for the Environment , whose rate-capping proposals have reduced Newcastle city council 's ability to tackle the core of the problem ?
11 At the end of the gallery Mr Molloy has designed a tall wooden column inspired by the vertical nature of hangul , the Korean script , which has been inscribed with part of a Korean poem cycle .
12 However , the academic tenor of all the essays included , the extensive theoretical posturing revealed by the footnote cross-references , the unquestioned presupposition of both the issues raised by ‘ New Art History ’ in the 70s , as well as poststructuralist theory , actually exclude a wider audience .
13 The former INLA woman and UDA man will only be able to cut the cake — a meagre one-tier affair supplied by the authorities — with a plastic knife .
14 At first , Topaz thought they must have quarrelled but , as the stillness was never broken , she concluded it was yet another odd custom practised by the strange women who surrounded her .
15 Though not entirely restricted to Friends , it was an approach particularly appealing to people in whom quietist instincts remained strong both before and after the direct political involvement exemplified by the election of Joseph Pease to parliament in 1832 .
16 Dandavate began his budget speech by outlining the grave economic situation inherited by the new National Front government when it came to power in late 1989 , which included a " strained " balance-of-payments position , low foreign exchange reserves and low foodgrain stocks .
17 Thus at a car auction a categoric and clear oral disclaimer announced by the auctioneer immediately before he accepts bids on a particular car could lie an effective disclaimer in relation to the odometer reading on that car and in that case the disclaimer would protect both the auctioneer and the vendor .
18 A rigid political system dominated by the PL and PSC began to fragment with the success of other parties in the May presidential elections [ for killings of presidential candidates and campaign see pp. 36844 ; 37312 ; 37371-72 ; 37450-51 ] and the establishment of a new 73-member National Constituent Assembly , elected in December and inaugurated in March 1991 [ see pp. 37450 ; 37914 ; 38001 ] .
19 In this case three girls interpret the very rhythmic orchestral accompaniment whilst the male soloist interprets the shorter melodic phrase played by the pianist .
20 The formation of an opposition Alliance for Democracy ( Aford ) , headed by a 13-member interim committee chaired by the prominent trade unionist Chakufwa Chihana , was announced on Sept. 21 .
21 At a time when galleries are retrenching or closing , it is nice to be able to report this exciting European link forged by the energetic Hue-Williams , and to note the arrival of Marianne Holtermann , private dealer in modern and contemporary art , who has opened an office above Bolger Carpets at 31 New Bond Street .
22 in the case of an office dealing solely with property selling and surveying , a chartered surveyor or person holding another professional qualification approved by the Council under Rule 14 of these rules .
23 Solicitors ' Practice Rule 14 requires solicitors who wish to provide structural surveys or formal property valuations to ensure that : ( 1 ) the work is carried out by a principal or employee who is a chartered surveyor or who holds another professional qualification approved by the Council of the Law Society ; and ( 2 ) an appropriate additional contribution is paid to the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund ( see Chapter 12 ) .
24 The political leadership within this cultural area assumed by the Franks , the alliance of their kings with the popes , and the achievement of Western Christianity under this leadership are dealt with in the next chapter .
25 At ten o'clock at night The Street was a deserted tree-lined tunnel illuminated by the headlights of Newman 's Mercedes 280E .
26 In four years ' time , it will be interesting to check the accuracy of this house-price prediction made by the Household Mortgage Corporation ( HMC ) .
27 The CMS is a one-year part-time course offered by the Business Education Council and , with about 1,000 students a year in over 70 approved centres , it is its largest post-experience course .
28 After doing some early work inspired by the recapitulation theory , Weismann began to study the behaviour of the reproductive cells under the microscope .
29 Finally , these countries made considerable concessions to the policies and institutions of the EEC and the Governments of the Six , and were allowed to join in 1972 following permission granted by the French people in a referendum , and with membership subject to parliamentary assent in each of the applicant states .
30 This annual return made by the employer covers both income tax and national insurance contributions .
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