Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] had be the " in BNC.

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1 One of the most interesting recent developments had been the discovery that the very first muscle cells to differentiate also erect a kind of scaffold of pathways along which the later ‘ motor ’ nerves migrate in order to locate their muscle targets ( Nature , Vol 301 p 66 ) .
2 One of its outstanding early proponents had been the French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes ( 1596–1650 ) .
3 Newman came to the answer Rome ; the former friends he left behind in the Church of England replied that the early undivided Church had been the only one wholly to contain this supernatural essence .
4 A large gloomy bedroom had been the setting of it , hung with draperies , not the kind of thing you would expect a child to sleep in , but it was a little child that lay on the bed , white and still , the elderly man , evidently a doctor , who had seemingly just lifted a looking glass from the parted lips , turning to the young father and imparting the news of death , while the mother in a transport of grief clung to her husband , her head buried in his shoulder .
5 Other signs of South Yemen 's rapprochement with the West and pro-Western Arab states had been the visits ( i ) on Dec. 4 , 1989 , by the United Kingdom Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , William Waldegrave , the first UK minister to visit since independence ; and ( ii ) on Dec. 29-30 by the Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti .
6 The proclamation followed approval on Oct. 17-20 by the highest state body , the unicameral National Assembly ( Országgyülés ) , elected for a five-year term , of a new transitional constitution and electoral law which introduced a multiparty democratic system ( hitherto the sole legal party had been the Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party , reorganized at the beginning of October as the Hungarian Socialist Party ) .
7 The proclamation followed approval on Oct. 20-27 by the highest state body , the unicameral National Assembly ( Orzággyülés ) , elected for a five-year term , of a new transitional constitution and electoral law which introduced a multiparty democratic system ( hitherto the sole legal party had been the Hungarian Socialist Worker 's Party , reorganised at the beginning of October as the Hungarian Socialist Party ) .
8 Ever since 1911 fixed commissions had been the lynch-pin of the separation between brokers and jobbers — the system known as single capacity .
9 Increasingly labour was forced off the land , and the only right workers had was the right to sell their labour for a money wage .
10 The immediate post-war years had been the last classic period of the film as social sermon and one can almost sense the relief as the studios discovered that social context did not need quite as much emphasis .
11 Tony felt that one important factor had been the change in his father 's attitude so that he now seemed to understand how he felt .
12 Parents had , inevitably in a Direct Grant school , always been closely involved since they were , numerically , the biggest source of income for new building projects , which could not be financed from fees ; but the only formal organization had been the Ladies ' Committee , in whose capable hands the Autumn Fairs and Scandinavian Evenings had prospered over the years .
13 In the days that followed , the Tysons found that they and 18,000 other investors had been the victims of a financial crash of global proportions .
14 Press reports noted that Mugabe had during the March 1990 general election campaign promised public-sector pay increases and salary restructuring , but that senior staff had been the main beneficiaries .
15 A further characteristic of earlier physical geography had been the tendency to ignore the Holocene and to concentrate instead upon earlier phases of landscape development .
16 Bad industrial relations had been the curse of the country for as long as I had taken any interest in politics ; although the reform of trade union law was essential , further steps were also needed .
17 ‘ Until then my main unspoken worry had been the dinghy swinging up into the tail .
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