Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [verb] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 I am not surprised that the right hon. Gentleman avoided the first point , because the report to which my hon. Friend the Member for Poole ( Mr. Ward ) referred produced the following answer within the Labour party : ’ Some argue it will highlight one of our weaker points ’ .
2 When does the right hon. Gentleman expect the next tranche of type 23 orders , to which he did not refer in his statement , to be in the pipeline and when can we expect the next round of tendering to start for those ?
3 Next year , the younger son of this old man became the first of five Richard Goughs to live at Newton on the Hill , a mile or so from Myddle church .
4 By the time another male child followed the first , almost exactly a year later , it was time to perpetuate the maternal grandfather 's Christian name .
5 But while the latter was hobnobbing with John Stuart Mill and publishing treatises on English grammar , the former was modifying a system of synchronised electric clocks to make the first fax machine .
6 On 9 April , this neglected reality had the last laugh .
7 Ian and John are among the very few unchaperoned males attending the second Scottish Bridal Fair .
8 Antonio Pigafetta , the journalist ( or Doge 's spy ) says 28 November ; one distinguished eighteenth-century historian says the 27th ; another of equal distinction puts it a day earlier .
9 ( b ) Some microprogrammed computers allow the next micro-instruction to be specified by loading into the control store SAR the contents of some portion of a processor register .
10 George held the phone away from his ear as the man 's phlegmy voice carried on : ‘ This new film makes the last one I sold you look like Noddy and Big Ears in Toytown ! ’
11 YOUNG(ISH) MALE ( 23 ) seeks people who are into Japan , Cure , Prince , Deacon Blue , PSB , etc- Help this young individual see the next sunset and on into the future until at least 24 , anyway .
12 ‘ Really , ’ exclaimed in heavily scandalized tones one of the few other passengers braving the last gusts of a salt-laden sirocco up on deck , an Englishwoman in an ample frock loud with different coloured daisies .
13 There may be some local discomfort following the first ever sexual intercourse related to the tearing of the hymen , but honeymoon cystitis as often crops up in women who are sexually experienced for whom other explanations must be sought .
14 Then , cut one thin round in two horizontally and place one half on top of the three remaining thin rounds to form the fourth and last tower ( see illustration ) .
15 On Nov. 22 the United States issued invitations to Israel , Lebanon , Syria and a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to attend the next phase of the Middle East peace talks in Washington on Dec. 4 .
16 Slice another wide round in two horizontally and place one half on top of the two remaining wide rounds to form the third tower .
17 But they gave opportunities for the advancement of town planning , facilitating consultancy work and ( so ably fostered by Pepler ) encouraging individual local authorities to take the first steps in scheme preparation in their own areas .
18 Three British crews filled the first three places in the sidecar race .
19 Three British crews filled the first three places in the sidecar race .
20 As he squeezed past the giant black lobster blocking the third floor corridor , inspiration struck Peter Rollins .
21 At the end of September , 35 English dealers and 15 from the Continent joined 35 American dealers to hold the first International Antique Dealers ' Show at the Seventh Regiment Armory on Park Avenue , in the heart of Manhattan .
22 In Kirghizia on April 10 and Tadjikistan on April 12 the newly elected republican Supreme Soviets elected the first secretaries of their republican Communist Parties ( CP ) , respectively Absamat Masaliyev and Kakhar Makhkamov , to the post of Chairman ( i.e. President of the republic ) .
23 On Feb. 20 the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet approved the first draft of a bill to alter the administrative system .
24 The basic pruning principle , therefore , should be to remove wood as soon as it has flowered in order to dived energy into the production of good strong stems to carry the next year 's bloom .
25 ALL existing 3-D cameras infer the third dimension indirectly ( eg by parallax ) .
26 The special pressures and problems of the major urban areas form the third common theme to emerge .
27 In the event , the 1980 Broadcasting Act allocated the fourth channel to the IBA in preference to creating a new authority specifically to run this channel .
28 On the other side of the mill , in contrast , was a deep high banked muddy trough meandering the last half mile into the Severn estuary .
29 Berkshire 's Lane instantly missed a four-foot winning chance in the play-off and 45-year-old Canizares , after halving from seven feet on the previous green , sank a 20ft birdie winner at the fourth extra hole to become the fourth Spanish winner of the season after Severiano Ballesteros , Jose-Maria Olazabal and Jose Rivero .
30 There is some reason to doubt that all the discrepancies can be eliminated by taking account of the short-term/long-term distinction : Lantz 's ( 1973 ) demonstration of superior latent inhibition with spaced trials came from a procedure in which the first conditioning trial followed the last trial of pre-exposure ; James ' ( 1971 ) demonstration of perfect retention used , in training , the interstimulus intervals typical of studies of short-term habituation .
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