Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 In its wisdom , the Community felt able to do that for the Iberian peninsula a few years ago and it would be right and proper for it to do something analogous for the central European countries .
2 Anne Watson offers experience and advice about some of the personal preparation a teacher may need to undertake when moving to a more ‘ investigative ’ style of teaching .
3 The trucks themselves had to be manhandled down the steep rock-strewn defile and as the men were sweating away at this in the hot sun an Italian aircraft picked them up .
4 Earlier Gillard J. had described as apposite to the present discussion a passage in the speech of Lord Denning in Watson v. Fram Reinforced Concrete Co . ( Scotland ) Ltd . , 1960 S.C . 92 , 115 .
5 Suppose that he starts at the pole in Fig. 3.8 with the local vector a shown there .
6 Even discounting the Communist attacks , however , the , attitude of the ILP was now similar to the Trotskyist viewpoint an many issues , particularly on the domestic and foreign policy of the Soviet Government .
7 Individuals becoming insolvent also jumped 9pc to 9,470 in the third quarter a rate of 103 a day .
8 Individuals becoming insolvent also jumped 9% to 9,470 in the third quarter a rate of 103 a day .
9 In 1749 for the first time a single system of tactics was laid down for the entire army , while in 1765 the Hofkriegsrath assumed the power to appoint to all ranks above that of captain and from 1776 an organized State military transport corps began to be built up .
10 By s. 4 of the 1986 Act a disqualification order may be made by the court in the course of winding up a company , if it appears that the person :
11 Taylor 's first captain , in fact , was Alan Ealham , rendering the presence of Junior in the present side a somewhat needless reminder of the onrushing years .
12 Certain organizations have the power to object to the grant of an O licence and it is important for the haulier seeking a licence to be aware of who they are :
13 Differences in amplitude between the wing-beats of one side and those of the other cause a lateral turning movement away from the side with the greater amplitude ( Stellwaag , 1916 ; Govind , 1972 ) .
14 The Russian attachés in Sofia and Belgrade , Colonels Romanovskii and Artamonov , a good case in point , did much by their belligerent attitude to give the Balkan alliance of 1912 against the Ottoman empire a more aggressive and expansionist slant than it might otherwise have had .
15 To be sure , there is evident in the modern world a trend toward collectivism , but this can assume , and has assumed , very diverse forms : among them the fascist corporate state ; the Stalinist autocracy and the highly regulated society , dominated by a single party , which succeeded it ; the ‘ mixed economy ’ of the capitalist welfare states , in which some important sectors of the economy are publicly owned , a vast network of publicly financed and administered social services exists , and the national economy is regulated and partly planned by the state , which now employs a substantial and increasing proportion of the active population ; and the former Yugoslav system of self-management in an economy which was largely publicly owned .
16 The real success formula became evident from the very beginning a mixture of good humour , innuendo , cliché , double-entendre all mixed together in a cauldron of what was plainly goodwill and a desire for a good time .
17 All done at eighty five pounds ninety good for ninety five one hundred seated and ten one ten on the right standing a hundred and ten against you all at and twenty one thirty one thirty , on the right standing , at one thirty are you all done at a hundred and thirty pounds .
18 due to the added responsibility a man tends to have in his jobspecification
19 To prevent acidosis due to the operative trauma an infusion of a glucose-bicarbonate solution ( see below ) was given intra-arterially at a rate of 0.03 ml.min - 1 .
20 A few minutes before we were all due on the first tee a tall and sturdy figure , crowned with a near-bald , sun-tanned head , appeared through the crowd .
21 Erm yeah , well I suppose I mean , they are quite familiar with the Spanish City a lot of them are n't they ?
22 Though the Welsh version continues to go out on the day it is filmed , the new audience will be regaled with story lines familiar to the Welsh audience a few weeks later .
23 Locally-trained Mauir Joyful ( 8.48 ) was impressive over the shorter course a week ago and is unlikely to be troubled in getting the extra distance .
24 By 1525 in the latter shire a quarter of the personal estate in a sample of forty villages was owned by 4 per cent of the rural population , excluding the squires — clearly there were some members of the peasantry who must have had sufficient wealth to dominate their fellows ( 81 , pp.26–7 ; 83 , pp.17 , 142 ) .
25 For most of the eighteenth century a translator of oriental languages was attached to the office of one of the secretaries of state ; but to obtain an English version of a letter in Turkish or Arabic was often far from easy .
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