Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the [adj] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 By now the French government had become quite brazen about the whole affair and the new French prime minister , Jacques Chirac , publicly stated that France had good reason to be proud of what Mafart and Prieur had achieved , a view that was evidently shared by most people in France .
2 Finally , in the Western Hemisphere region where , among developing regions , infant mortality is lowest , the pattern resembles that observed lately in low infant mortality , developed countries , i.e. , the chances of surviving infancy are greatest for the first births and the relationship tends to be linear .
3 The time was right for the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition to do so today , but they did not .
4 It is , however , possible for the injured party and the insurance company to agree on a ‘ structured settlement . ’
5 Edward Thompson maintains that for a variety of reasons traditional pursuits were strongly resilient through the eighteenth century and were weakened only by forces which developed in the nineteenth .
6 Leeson , by nature taciturn , had told her very little about the original photograph and nothing at all about the research he and the Bristol archivist had done on it .
7 I feel sorry for the little girl and I suggest to the writer that she consoles her daughter by telling her that the vile custom of killing wild animals for fun is on the way out , that almost all british people feel as she does , and are determined to end such cruelty , and that she can help to bring about its end by supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and talking about the work they do to her schoolfriends .
8 Thus she was constantly grateful for the unfailing vigilance and support of her Chief Wren .
9 People are not keen to complain about food in hospital because they are grateful for the medical attention and because the majority of patients are not there for long .
10 We are grateful for the ready co-operation and forbearance of the headteachers who completed two long and details surveys on pupil attendance .
11 I find the Epigraphes antiques short of that elusive Debussyan charm which needs pianistic half-lights , and although the other shorter pieces on this disc are thoughtfully done ( for example , La plus que lente , Le petit nègre and the Danse bohémienne ) , one looks in vain for the special insight and sensitivity that would make these performances memorable .
12 Under the federal Constitution adopted in 1901 , legislative power is vested in the bicameral Parliament , comprising a 148-member House of Representatives elected for a three-year term and a 76-member Senate ( 12 seats for each of the six constituent states and two each for the Northern Territory and the Capital Territory ) .
13 Under the Federal Constitution which came into force in 1901 , legislative authority within the Commonwealth of Australia is vested in a bicameral Federal Parliament consisting of the Senate whose 76 members ( 12 from each of the country 's constituent states and two each for the Northern Territory and the Capital Territory of Canberra ) are directly elected for a six-year term and retire by rotation , one-half from each state on June 30 of each third year ; and the 148-member House of Representatives elected for three years ; each state has its own legislature , government and constitution .
14 Another example is the case of a generalized infection in which a fever is often observed — the result of the body 's attempt to make the environment unsuitable for the invading organism and so rid itself of it .
15 But most Roman varieties were unsuitable for the British climate and the Norman varieties rapidly took precedence .
16 Children who have to leave a lone parent , whether single from death or divorce , are obviously going to be more troubled and guilty about the possible loneliness and vulnerability of the one they leave behind than children who know there are others to carry that burden .
17 Godelier argued that two principal contradictions are formulated by Marx : the first being that between the capitalist class and the working class , the second — the basic contradiction — being that between the development and socialization of the productive forces and the private ownership of the means of production .
18 With the development of the capitalist mode of production there is an intensification of two principal contradictions within capitalism ; that between the forces of production and the social relations of production , and that between the working class and the bourgeoisie .
19 Er and you 'll see that in group two , the impact of the various routes on occupiers , residential occupiers , you 'll see that for the blue route and that this is where we have the number of properties demolished by the different routes , on the top line , er in terms of noise effects adjacent to new road , number of houses within a given distance , a centre line , nought to fifty metres there are are only five properties within nought to fifty metres of the blue route whereas there are thirty on the purple , twenty er on the orange , less on the red , four and five on the pink .
20 Mary Rose was pregnant for the fourth time and not feeling too good .
21 Detailed mapping and dating of geomorphological features ( Sutherland and Walker , 1984 ; Sutherland , 1984 ) indicate that part of northern Lewis was ice-free during the last glaciation and the last Scottish ice-sheet did not extend beyond the Outer Hebrides , contrary to the widespread assumption that this ice-sheet extended to the edge of the continental shelf .
22 The prisoner pleaded Not Guilty through the preliminary hearings and trial in the King 's Bench Court , where Mr Justice Embury found him guilty and sentenced him to death by hanging .
23 The mints must be hard and dry for the best results and some produce , as I have seen , impressive flashes .
24 And of course Oxford supporters do n't need reminding that last season they led Fulham 1-0 after the first leg and they lost 5-3 at home .
25 ‘ The chorus has got to happen within the first 30 seconds , it 's got to be memorable after the first play and it 's either got to make you feel reflective or happy . ’
26 Breath hydrogen excretion was not significantly different between the low sulphate and the high sulphate diets , indicating that the volume of hydrogen consumed either by methanogenic bacteria or by sulphate reducing bacteria might be similar .
27 Oreopithecus is clearly not a dryopithecin , which indicates these postcranial characters may be primitive for the great ape and human clade , but if Sivapithecus belongs in the orang-utan clade , as I have argued , the shared morphology of the orang-utan and the African apes must have arisen independently .
28 But if you like , governments could do this for the non-teaching staff and not do that for the teaching staff .
29 This is because the students will be dealing with this for the first time and this is thought to be a clearer presentation .
30 Gooch and Pringle then added 113 for the seventh wicket and Neil Foster gave good support to remove all fears of an Essex follow-on .
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