Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pers pn] is [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That for me is the ideal copy ’ .
2 This for us is the spiritual warfare to which we are called ; it is our small though crucial engagement in the Great Battle between good and evil .
3 Learning to play with other children and to form close friendships with some of them is a vital part of growing up .
4 Not the least of them is the choral and orchestral contribution of what we surely should now again be able to call the Maryinsky Theatre .
5 Inside each of them is a single ounce of heroin .
6 There are perhaps two things upon which each of us is the indisputable world expert , firstly the function of our own bowels and hence those of everyone else and secondly the causes of and treatment for addiction .
7 Both are gigantic construction projects , needing a large number of people to pass through them to be profitable , and with neither of them is the full return projected for a good few years hence .
8 The omission of the verb gives an immediacy which would be missing from a construction such as It is a virgin scene ( where the present tense is a direct attempt to make a coding time and content time the same ) .
9 But for present purposes it really does n't matter which if either of them is the right definition .
10 A common desire and willingness to be subordinate to it is the essential pre-condition of a parliamentary state .
11 Most powerful for me is the tragic loss that the chess world — both living and generations to come — has suffered through Fischer 's self imposed 20 years exile .
12 And about all of them is the untidy spaciousness of land which has been forgotten , greens , allotments , sumps , dumps , and slag-holes .
13 More important for them is the other alternative which can follow the first primitive stage : feudalism .
14 These drugs are still widely used , and for many people one or more of them is a regular part of everyday life .
15 Todd 's detailed analyses relate the distribution of these family types to cultural development processes , leading to the conclusion that development involves two processes : the first is ‘ self-generated take-off ’ ( p. 176 ) and there is ‘ a geographical coincidence between the distribution of these family types and that of the literacy take-off ’ ; the second is the outward diffusion of development from the initial poles , which ‘ occurs all the faster , the more receptive to it is the anthropological terrain' .
16 a picnic but er , that to me is a long way it is n't , it is n't in a chart , it is n't in the summer
17 that to me is a hundred per cent unacceptable
18 The , the , the anomaly here this is when they set up the C C T legislation , all the services contracted out had to make a of return that 's a profit in any language and that to me is a commercial decision and should never have been exempted from the very start anyway .
19 In this respect it is among the noblest as it is the vastest moral spectacle in history .
20 In consequence , there are many single wavenumber patterns , some of them of a complexity that makes them not instantly recognizable as such ; for example , one of them is a hexagonal pattern rather like Fig. 4.9 .
21 One of them is a fast tune .
22 One of them is a sceptical one .
23 Howard has a stack of midfielders he can call on like Steve Hodge , Scott Sellars and David Rocastle , but not one of them is a Batty .
24 What you could do with is labelling these so that , which one of them is the first question , sort of pie chart A if you like then pie chart , pie chart A and again if you 've got the total on , on your pie chart then you , you wo n't get confused will you ?
25 We have had troubles in various parts of the country in recent months , and I realise that there may be many reasons for that , but I am convinced that one of them is the depressing effect that such areas have on those who live in them .
26 well one of us is a young lout , we wo n't say who .
27 Two Face Commit for those who 're not pu er familiar with it is an all or nothing approach .
28 Every bit as important as the events we experience in life and the support available to us is the personal meaning of change .
29 Whether any of us is a good match or not ? ’
30 What 's red to you and what 's red to me is a different thing .
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