Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [num] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 From some of the 11,000 students a warm reception , and a cheeky invitation .
2 In each of the five situations the court will consider all the circumstances and decide whether the parties in fact intended that a partnership be brought about .
3 Betacom is giving each of the six finalists a Betacom Venture cordless telephone ( £79.99 ) .
4 On each of the six nights the auditorium was packed to capacity with a seating of 1,500 .
5 At each of the 40 junctions the driver made two judgments .
6 In each of the ten years the UK accumulated net assets ( net flows abroad ) and the data again show considerable variation during the period , ranging from net outflows of £0.7 billion to £14.3 billion .
7 In each of the seven categories the rational and political model indicators provide a framework for analysing the budgetary approach that is being used in a particular school .
8 Count how many of each of the three products the shop has on its premises
9 Mr Nicol said that in each of the three cases the restriction of access to the public conflicted with the principle of openness which applied to all legal proceedings .
10 Furthermore , at each of the three parties an identical cake was served : same size and same shape .
11 Although the age — sex composition and total number of animals present were similar in the two periods the number of reproductive units had decreased between the studies with a corresponding increase in mean unit size .
12 5029 is due to remain at Bury until the end of February , and is subject to a six steamings a month agreement , so it should see extensive use , and provide plenty of opportunities to experience GW ( four-cylinder power in Lancashire ) .
13 Weight is equal to a hundred times the number of engines .
14 Well the distance is equal to a hundred miles an hour , times how many hours has been travelling for ?
15 Prior to the 1987 coups the Indian population slightly outnumbered that of the country 's native Melanesian community .
16 And this Mr you see , he used to have several , in the course of twelve months , they used to have several bullocks cos he used to keep perhaps , well up to eighty to a hundred bullocks a year for fat , yeah .
17 Sri Lanka had a lot going for it : democracy going back to 1931 and a literacy rate which , at 88% , is the highest of the 43 countries the World Bank classifies as ‘ low-income ’ .
18 In five of the six cases the main focus of the headline was on the woman 's marital status : Church wife 's boy lover ; Young wife 's sexy games ; Sex in Jacuzzi for wife and lover , aged 12 ; A ‘ sex mad ’ wife 's schoolboy lovers ; A wife 's ten boy lovers .
19 In five of the six companies the environmental issues are determined mainly by the planners within the planning department itself and in a totally informal way .
20 The men were the brothers of Patrick Welsh , one of the two men a jury had just cleared Mr Thompson of killing by using his Jaguar to force their van off the road and into a wall and lamp post .
21 Born in South Shields , Scott was one of the 12 months a year men who played League football and County cricket .
22 On one of the three pages a nude Amaranth had been photographed playing croquet .
23 At the same time , in two of the three models the equilibrium outcomes could be quite bad from the welfare point of view .
24 With counting complete in all but 14 of the 20,120 constituencies the CDU had won 34.4 per cent of the vote ( 40.82 per cent in the March general election ) ; the Social Democrats ( SPD ) 21.3 per cent ( 21.88 ) ; the reformed communist Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) 14.6 per cent ( 16.4 ) ; the League of Free Democrats ( BFD ) 6.7 per cent ( 5.28 ) ; the Democratic Peasants ' Party ( DBD ) 3.8 per cent ( 2.18 ) ; the German Social Union ( DSU ) 3.4 per cent ( 6.31 ) ; and New Forum 2.4 per cent ( 2.91 ) .
25 In four of the five patients an increase in baseline pressure of 5–10 mm Hg preceded the peristaltic contractions .
26 The weight of the lorry , see the lorry weighs something itself so its total weight when it 's got its load on is eight hundred plus a hundred times the number of engines on it .
27 By the last of the three weeks the Gofer teams were performing brilliantly .
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