Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But she was just so bubbly and so vivacious , and she looked so young despite being well over eighteen , that there was something almost right for her in the part .
2 ‘ We tried to sign Chris Waddle , but it was not right for him at the time .
3 ‘ We tried to sign Chris Waddle , but it was not right for him at the time , we went for Peter Beardsley , but it was not right for Everton .
4 You , you find a house to rent that seems right for your about the price , perhaps a bit high but about right for your level of income .
5 You 've never done nuthin' for nobody in the whole of your mean , miserable life ! ’
6 Hundred and fifty for him for a fortnight at the height of the season and two hundred and fifty each for us at the height of the season .
7 Cries could be heard from the stairs as the policemen tried to make their way up to the landing , the remaining boys making it as difficult as possible for them in the hope that their brother would get away .
8 Women in the community need to find out what is possible for us as a prerequisite to identifying what is not available and what we would like to see .
9 It is , obviously , not possible for us in a textbook to permit you to have the experience of everyday discourse in what Stenning ( 1978 ) calls a ‘ normal context ’ , where the hearer is part of the context and then experiences the text .
10 It should be possible for anybody in the organization at any level to make such a suggestion .
11 Markward of Anweiler , who only approached Innocent when the situation was hopeless for him after the formation of a league of cities against imperial domination .
12 It was a memory he had n't known he had , and even now he knew very little about it beyond the fact that it involved him and his father and a railway tunnel .
13 It was a pleasant place , Blackheath , a shade too respectable for someone into the tablets of the time , and full of kids — unlike Small — waiting to go to university .
14 We felt so sorry for you at the shareholders ' meeting .
15 ‘ It 's just that you do get rather obsessive about them in the city .
16 Hundred and fifty for him for a fortnight at the height of the season and two hundred and fifty each for us at the height of the season .
17 So is that for What about the week after that ?
18 ‘ I 've never had a winner in France and perhaps Lyric Fantasy can change that for me in the Abbaye .
19 We can hear that for ourselves in the records that have been issued of Karajan rehearsing the late Mozart symphonies or the Finale of Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony .
20 The time for someone on a star will be different from that for someone at a distance , because of the gravitational field of the star .
21 And how dared he try to bolster up his male ego at her expense when he had made it so plain he did n't care a damn for her as a person ?
22 They were dry for him in the morning .
23 In the long term , some of the earlier buyers will want to sell their timeshares , and the management company may undertake to do this for them on an agency basis , thus earning additional commission .
24 Er clearly when we have got that situation , we do n't just simply put the numbers in and press the button and you get the answer out at the end , er the people who er did this for us at the time , er are professional er transportation consultants er and given that the key er one of the key outputs from this model was the effect of a er a bypass , then this is something that we looked at in in some detail as well as er the actual effects that the model was putting out .
25 ’ But it ca n't make life any easier for you at the moment . ’
26 ‘ It 's all very exciting for me at the moment , here I am about to go around the world for the first time , seeing cities like New York , which I have always dreamed of seeing .
27 God knows how they manage to keep this about themselves with the situation as it is .
28 For that reason , it is worth thinking about what is interesting about you from a journalist 's point of view before trying to woo him or her with your beautiful noise .
29 Many British institutions are secretive , but few are quite so patronising about it as the City .
30 ‘ Such conduct was clearly not acceptable for someone in a position of authority in a public company . ’
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