Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Half of these make it to the training yards , and not all of them , by a long way , will ever make it to a race track .
2 ‘ My nan waited up till half past three to see us on The Chart Show , ’ says guitarist Rat shaking a tousled head .
3 ‘ My nan waited up till half past three to see us on The Chart Show , ’ says guitarist Rat shaking a tousled head .
4 Thirteen were recorded as not using an intelligence test as a determinant , though some of these used one in a few individual cases or as a qualifier .
5 Paper circulates today in vast quantities , and you need only to retrieve some of this to provide yourself with an adequate body of notes at no cost at all .
6 Pots of money and willing at first to squire her to the latest ‘ in ’ restaurants and nightspots , charity balls , Henley , Ascot , the whole shebang . ’
7 The first and most obvious is that they still wo n't allow you to do decent halftoning — you need a minimum of 800 by 800 to achieve anything like quality results in terms of both grey levels and screen values .
8 Erm we do n't feel you 've got to spend all that raffle prizes , erm because we do n't usually raise much more than sixty to seventy do we on the raffle ?
9 is that that the consultation is a problem the legislation which takes away the requirement for several developments to promote valuable time and be advertised prior to the application so the first most people knew about this application was after this this opportunity prior to that to discuss it with the development before it was submitted .
10 It was , however , after Palace had acquired Cliff Holton and Dickie Dowsett that we saw Allen at his vintage best , spraying the passes and plying the crosses from which those big fellows scored the goals which first of all kept us in Division Three , and then took us up to the 2nd Division in 1963–64 .
11 Ian , a cracking debut ; first of all take us through that er first half save , you had nothing to do , conditions awful and yet you pull off a save like that .
12 getting increasingly frustrated on the subject of other things , pelican crossings and that I 've been concerned to hear since I 've I 've been requested this question and er it was briefly reported in the Cambridge evening news last night that they they 've had almost continuous telephone calls today complaining erm which shows the public as I thought of my own experience er are very concerned about this and would like to erm first of all bring it to the council 's attention and do regard as serious and ask the chair if there is a proper investigation will be made into the way the council handles this subject .
13 First of all THANK YOU to everyone who helped in any way with the sale .
14 Se , we need someone first of all to save us from our sin .
15 One of these showed itself in his prowess as a teenage hypnotist .
16 Two young , fit squaddies desperately need the help of any females from 16 to 55 to save us from this dull and boring existence- Please , please keep us from talking to the penguins any longer — write now !
17 When Adenauer took over domestic administration from the occupying forces in 1949 , an estimated seven million of those found themselves in the new Republic .
18 Only the last of these put him in a bad light , but it is enough .
19 We found that only about one in five of all establishments used either form of temporary worker and only a third of those used them in numbers equivalent to at least five per cent of their labour forces .
20 He drank when young and while still young drank a lot , challenging himself to knock off all comers , but most of all to align himself with the legendary drinking miners who could and did sweat it off down the pit while Richard had to force it off in games .
21 Others , more cynical , practised ‘ chameleonism ’ and declared themselves Republicans in the hope of taming the Republic ; most of these attached themselves to the Radical Party , helping to turn it into , in effect , the conservative party of the Republic and increase its already considerable reputation for political and financial corruption .
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