Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1862 the regime was hesitant about addressing itself to the broad governmental and social implications of the emancipation of the serfs , but new developments in the military and fiscal spheres signalled that its enthusiasm for reform was returning .
2 I do n't think I should say sorry for doing what at the time I believed to be right , ’ said the Prime Minister , receiving his loudest ovation of the night .
3 Her twin sister Sally , of Penarth , South Glamorgan , south Wales , begged school-friends and neighbours not to feel guilty about sending her on the venture .
4 If he is afraid of compromising himself in the eyes of Messrs Goupil and Co by keeping in touch with me , is his position with those gentlemen so shaky and unstable that he is obliged to be so careful ? ’
5 If Ramsey was to be Archbishop of Canterbury , what was wrong with leaving him in the weighty see of Durham until the day came ?
6 Although I know that my hon. Friend is interested in switching it to the autumn , we have no plans to do that because there are different views about it .
7 This will equip those who are interested in developing themselves with the tools to reach greater responsibility and promotion , and of course greater rewards .
8 Well , we 'd like to think that er people , once they 've been introduced to these different sorts of drinks , and become a bit more aware about different sensible levels , would actually be interested in buying them in the future and trying them out themselves .
9 He was more interested in telling me about the tactics of the attorney general .
10 He said a small group of people who were interested in doing something about the issue would be interested to hear from people who had views or experiences on the subject .
11 And in September 1988 , Donleavy seemed to confirm this by placing him on the ‘ inactive ’ list and arranging for him to rejoin the Boy Scouts of America as Director of Marketing and Public Relations for the Chicago Area Council .
12 But whereas the long version refers only to the words in Lamentations 1:12 ( O all ye that pass by the way , attend , and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow ) , the short version incorporates all the references to focus more sharply on the organic relationship between man and Christ whose natural growth is blasted by sin : And only in the short version does the meditator acknowledge this by identifying himself with the penitent thief pleading for pardon to be extended to him , and confessing his failure to acknowledge Christ as the true source of his integrity : In both versions the meditator admits that the very ability to recognise the life-giving power in Christ is a sign that he in fact has the love of God even if he does not feel it : And in both , as the meditator sees his betrayal and sense of deprivation borne by Christ in His words : " My god , my dere god , why hastow al forsakyn me … ( 89. cf.102 ) he imagines himself lying down among the bones of dead men on mount Calvary , taking the foot of the Cross in his arms , the stench of death in his nostrils .
13 You do this by assessing which of the ‘ stars ’ and their characteristics dominate his house at birth .
14 I did get around this by approaching it from the other side : I added gain to the clean modes and it all came together well .
15 He angered even the faithful by doing it in the middle of the night , announcing he would slash spending to close a gaping budget deficit and promising to use the new tax revenue to bolster poor school districts .
16 Because of the apprehension of a breach of the peace on the part of the inspector , it was held , there arose a duty on him to prevent a breach of the peace , and because the appellant had sought to hold the meeting in defiance of his instructions , she was guilty of obstructing him in the execution of his duty .
17 You can score points for the number of ceramic divisions you can move the butt over ( with extra for actually getting it down the hole and extra for doing it from the far end of the gutter from the hole ) , for the amount of destruction caused — apparently it 's very hard to get the little black cone at the burned end to disintegrate — and , over the course of the evening , the number of fag-ends so dispatched .
18 ‘ I think they were quite serious about leaving us at the time and thought they would get an objective opinion from Langford .
19 In ( 36 ) the adjective former does not qualify the properties , as such , implied by the use of the word king ; the sentence does not mention any entity that has characteristics formerly typical of kings — such as regarding oneself as the owner of one 's subjects , perhaps , or believing that one is of divine lineage .
20 This means that you can perform operations on it , such as scanning it for the particular information you want .
21 ‘ I have devised a number of exquisite tortures for little boys who break bottles ’ he wrote , ‘ such as circumcising them with the jagged fragments ’ .
22 But Shallis argues that this is hardly surprising , because its very terms of thought are such as to exclude it from the content of all discussion , at the very outset .
23 Although she was nervous of putting him to the test , she knew that , sooner or later , she must .
24 Not content with blackguarding him in the columns of the local rag , him and his silly daughter 's bum , the one-time Chief Citizen of the Borough had been up to no good with a girl young enough to be Grace 's sister , and in the Grand Hotel , and at a Conservative Party conference of all places .
25 My time at the Housing Corporation was eventful in bringing me for the first , but no means last , time into contact with Mrs Thatcher when , on the fall of the Heath government , she became the shadow Minister of the Environment , in succession to the job she had had as Minister of Education .
26 Many fish , squid , octopuses , comb-jellies and jellyfish ensure that the abyssal depths are never completely dark by filling them with the sparkle and shimmer of animal light .
27 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
28 So far as the old , mutually dependent carers are concerned , this work is valuable in reminding us of the substantial numbers of men who perform these functions for their wives .
29 To counter both the unfavourable home environment , and the difficulty poorer parents have in equalling the sharp elbows of the middle classes , who are well accustomed to taking themselves to the front of the queue , the school starting age for nursery education should be reduced to three .
30 CAB advisers are accustomed to finding themselves in the position of mediators , and although they usually sit comfortably in this role , many dislike the role of mediator between client , Department of Social Security and charity foundations that has been thrust upon them .
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