Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] is that [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 What attracts many scientists to this hypothesis is that those perturbations of the orbits of Neptune and Pluto have yet to be explained satisfactorily in any other way .
2 One additional feature of the responses to tasks exemplifying this criterion is that many pupils refer to 3-D shapes by the names of their faces , i.e. " a cube " may be referred to as " a square " , or a pyramid as a " triangle " .
3 Each of these has changed substantially in the post-war period , but the central argument of this chapter is that such changes can not be seen as the result only of changes within the UK .
4 One of the results of this difference is that such accents have different pronunciations for the two members of pairs of words that are pronounced identically ( i.e. are homophones ) in RP , e.g. ‘ won ’ and ‘ one ’ , ‘ nun ’ and ‘ none ’ .
5 ‘ A further complication is that some products are doing exceptionally well while others are in decline . ’
6 A further complication is that some plants , especially foliage houseplants , seldom flower in this country , or only do so when many years old .
7 The nub of this criticism is that such views give rise to a kind of political paralysis : everything must wait until the revolutionary moment in which the production relations are transformed ; until then labour must play a purely oppositional role , a role which Precludes struggle of a ‘ prefigurative ’ kind .
8 A consequence of this approach is that many managers within one division will not know what is important to another division , as well as the overall corporation .
9 The main difficulty of this interpretation is that all traces of the actual cella have been lost ( his p. 18 ) .
10 A further concern is that all competitors in a particular market should be treated equally , to avoid a green version of Gresham 's law where bad environmental practices are allowed to chase out good .
11 A further concern is that some journals do not transmit the referees ' comments to the authors ; this wastes the referees ' time and fails to appreciate that they want to improve published articles not just act as gatekeepers .
12 A further consideration is that some variables such as occupation , industry and educational qualifications were only coded for 10% of non-imputed households .
13 The funny thing is that more kids will now want to buy the record from the stores where it is actually available .
14 The funny thing is that more kids will now want to buy the record from the stores where it is actually available .
15 Another problem is that some synthetics smell , even when washed , so look for fibres coated with an antibacterial agent .
16 Another possibility is that all quasars and BL Lac objects are beamed roughly towards us , and that something else distinguishes them — something that so far remains hidden in the enigmatic central powerhouse .
17 Another possibility is that these changes are related to an autonomic neuropathy , which may alter the length of the QT interval in the electrocardiogram .
18 Another testable restriction is that some variables will affect only the membership and wage equations directly .
19 One clear fact is that those reasons relate entirely to human interests .
20 A much more interesting objection is that such courses might well be practicable given energy and determination , but were inherently objectionable , and should not be attempted .
21 The implication of this note is that most readers did not want to hear that anything was wrong , and that Wordsworth 's doubts about the growth of industry show original thinking on his part .
22 The second advantage is that such promotions enable the name of your organisation or its brands to be included in the copy , which can be very important in publications which would not normally use such names .
23 Perhaps the most serious worry is that these institutions too are disposing of books .
24 My second recommendation is that both parties think in terms of a return to an independent consumer protection Department .
25 More importantly , some commentators suggest that the central issue is that most locals still can not afford owner-occupied housing ( Docklands Forum , 1987 ) .
26 The crucial point is that such expressions should be warranted by conceptual and communicative purposes recognized as having point in classroom activity .
27 The second outcome is that all children would be aware of what 's involved in the record of achievement .
28 And the sad truth is that most chaps still have this first token of manhood languishing somewhere .
29 The simple truth is that most captors of record fish were never heard of before their historical catch and have never been heard of since .
30 Our principle in the civil service is that all jobs should be available to everyone — irrespective of sex , race , creed or religion .
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