Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The late diamond dealer 's car was then flogged to a helpful fence in Durban and the proceeds from the stolen car and diamonds divided up among the team .
2 Street upon street of small Chinese shopfront , a Manhattan-like skyline and junks bobbing up and down on the busy harbour from indelible images of this British colony .
3 I finished at 4 a.m. this morning and others carried on until 5.30 p.m .
4 If they are then housed for the winter the immunity acquired by the end of the grazing season has waned by the following spring and yearlings turned out at that time are partially susceptible to reinfection and so contaminate the pasture with small numbers of eggs .
5 The pump is connected through the outer tray and draws water in through the gravel or charcoal , and then through the filter elements into the pump for discharge as a fountain or waterfall .
6 There was a man in a dark overcoat and gloves standing by , apparently talking to somebody just out of sight .
7 Suddenly , the ‘ other-worldliness ’ vanished as a cheerful young man dressed in white shirt and trousers bounced in as if on springs .
8 No doubt stress and change have always characterized human society and psychiatrists point out that these two factors are closely linked .
9 Twiggy was a major influence and women went around trying to look flat as boards .
10 Often current slang and colloquialisms make up the bulk of such people 's language .
11 The trains ran down to Finchley Road all day and up to West Hampstead all day and others pounded through without stopping up into Buckinghamshire .
12 Ten days before he died the baby was rushed to hospital with a fractured skull and police took out a 72-hour care order .
13 Schizophrenia , or split personality , is the most common serious mental illness and studies carried out so far hint at a genetic link , although no susceptible genes have yet been identified .
14 Great coldness and chills run up and down the back ; pains can go up the back too .
15 Not long after the lorry driver left , the water became more and more acid and alarms went off .
16 He draws support from and the trustees of the Italian hospital and others reported in and volume two dash A four dash one O four and and , nineteen eighty six , one all England report , page three two two .
17 His work as a paid negotiator caused him to travel through most of New South Wales arbitrating in disputes , taking part in conciliations and talking , talking , talking as industries grew up in the prospering state and workers flooded in from Britain , mostly from Ireland , to claim their share of what were meagre wages .
18 They were standing in a narrow hall , with a bicycle propped against one wall and stairs leading down to a basement .
19 The force of the blast was such that skylights were blown in , and boiling hot mud and ashes rained down on those below decks , killing many and scalding others .
20 I cited that 1,000-calorie total because , to my knowledge , all adults in normal health and circumstances burn up more than 1,000 calories daily .
21 They are not necessarily the cheapest but can sometimes offer a package deal supplying all requirements from a single source with own stock and products bought in for the purpose .
22 Each Authority was to fix the fares in its own area and receipts taken on the section concerned were to be divided equally between the L.C.C .
23 FOR advertising agencies in the Republic , 1993 will be the toughest year for years , with little if any growth and margins trimmed back to the bone .
24 If there is a single currency and economies get out of line , they can not be adjusted by movements of the exchange rate , which is the normal way — so what happens ?
25 At best it is likely to lead to confusion as some people follow the new route and others hang on to the old one .
26 Non-compliance is the principal factor in therapeutic failure and studies report over one-third of treatment failure is due to this ( Taitz et al .
27 Balloons were tied to the railings at each embassy and leaflets handed out to interested passers-by en route .
28 Augustine must smash the idols , but the temples themselves should be sprinkled with holy water and altars set up in them in which relics are to be enclosed …
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