Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] so [that] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively agreement may be reached between the husband and wife for some monetary payment so that the husband may keep the house in which case the consent order may be : It is ordered that the Respondent shall within 28 days from the date of this Order pay to the Petitioner the sum of £ and It is ordered that on receipt of the said sum of £the Petitioner do transfer all her estate and interest in the property at 1 Blackacre Drive , Blackacre to the Respondent .
2 The necessary conditions for the formation of sand dunes are a wide foreshore exposed at low tide so that the wind blowing over it can dry the sand and set it in motion ; something to trap the sand and cause it to start accumulating ; and plants to colonise the pile of sand and by binding it together to prevent its complete destruction by the wind or high tides .
3 A patterned effect on the finished product is achieved by turning each segment so that the grain runs in the opposite direction to its neighbouring segments .
4 The sentences were enlarged as much as possible , but sizeable gaps were left between each sentence so that the temptation to interpret contiguous sentences as meaningfully related was to some extent avoided .
5 In engineering , cellulose is never used in the completely dry condition so that the range of strength and stiffness is not quite as bad as it sounds .
6 In contrast , those at the top end of the earnings distribution will enjoy a substantial change in their after-tax income so that the income effect will be large , causing the high-income earners ( the dynamic entrepreneurs ? ) to work less .
7 The dignified parts " impressed the many " and secured public support so that the system was legitimised , but they did not actually govern or wield any real power .
8 Misconstruction of the enabling statute so that the tribunal fails to deal with the question remitted to it , failure to take account of relevant considerations , and asking the wrong question were , said Lord Reid , examples of this .
9 It would n't improve my chances of pleasing the God-King if more ceptors phased out at the wrong moment so that the ship set down on top of something valuable — like the royal palace , the Divine Sanctum .
10 Will he also hold a public inquiry so that the matter can be sorted put ?
11 Sometimes if the strip is long enough , the bird will reverse direction during this process so that the strip is looped back and woven parallel to itself .
12 Some were constructed so that they would only move when a passing person activated a treadle of some sort so that the toy would suddenly spring into ‘ life ’ .
13 In May 1983 the head first introduced the appraisal at a meeting of senior staff and I attended this meeting so that the research project could be explained and I could answer any questions staff might have .
14 Fricative Formed by a narrowing of the air passage at some point so that the air in escaping makes a kind of hissing sound , eg /f , z , / ; fricative /r/ .
15 Assume that the government takes this advice so that the process describing the quantity of money becomes : where h is a positive constant .
16 More workers were twining vines of ivy around pillars newly painted orange , while an elderly woman was strewing the floor with French chalk so that the dancing shoes would not slip on the polished parquet .
17 It is also emphatically given in a raised voice with direct eye-contact so that the child knows it has been warned .
18 It is best NOT to sing a hymn during this procession so that the emphasis is on the action of GIVING .
19 These highlighting pens use transparent ink so that the text can be read through the coloured line , which extends over the whole depth of the type .
20 Such joints can only move in one plane , but crustaceans deal with that limitation by grouping two or three on a limb , sometimes close together , each working in a different plane so that the end of the limb can move in a complete circle .
21 On the contrary , he has been deliberately selected by Jesus , probably to his own chagrin , to discharge a distasteful duty so that the drama of the Passion may enact itself in accordance with Old Testament prophecy .
22 The idea is to use the acrylic in a transparent form so that the colour of the paper shines through the layer of paint you are applying .
23 I mean it 's as simple as that , and I Colonel 's comments , saying how hard done by Wiltshire police constabulary could be next year because we have n't set over the odds budget for this year so that the Home Secretary can take it on .
24 Data-gathering provides an early-warning system so that the situation can be analysed soon after the trend has begun to take shape and corrective measures can be applied promptly .
25 Even if we believed that the public interest could perhaps be equated with goals supported by a broad social consensus so that the spectre of management indulging its own personal moral and political preferences under the guise of pursuing socially worthwhile goals no longer haunted us difficulties would still remain .
26 He dragged the blade slowly through the scabbard 's wooden throat so that the sound of the weapon 's scraping would be as frightening as the sight of the dulled steel .
27 In one , the infant 's mother was placed behind a clear screen so that the male and infant could see her and she could see them .
28 At higher frequencies the transmission clearly falls below this value so that the circuit behaves as a low-pass filter .
29 To do this you slide back your rear foot so that the stance lengthens ( this makes it more stable in a longitudinal direction ) and your centre of gravity drops .
30 More than 75 per cent are under 21 , often working long hours on a part-time basis so that the company can keep profits high without having to pay sickness , holiday or other statutory benefits for its employees .
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