Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , their salaries have risen infrequently , perhaps once in each Parliament , so each rise has been much higher than the typical annual pay increase .
2 We hear that progress has been rather slow of late but feel this has less to do with the quality of Swan Vesta the boys are using and more to do with their strange diets .
3 It was no wonder , on reflection , that Lorimer had been so eager to spend time in Cleo 's irreverent company .
4 bases on which he arrives at a decision that he may sometimes find considerable difficulty in making a good case on paper for some action he may have taken , even though he feels , and subsequent events may prove , that action to have been perfectly correct .
5 Nonetheless welfare provisions for school children had made progress during the 1930s although because of the frequent economic crises this progress had been rather erratic .
6 and Euston , I believe all those parish councils have written to the county surveyor , erm , wilfully the er H G V ban and saying how successful they think it is , now the proposals in this paper do n't have any particular effect on them , but I would want to pass on to the officers here in case it has n't erm quite registered , but this ban has been very much welcomed on the northern section of the A ten eighty eight where although it 's not a formal ban the affect on villages particular such as
7 The consequences of this long ( and in many places continuing ) cultural division have been very great , and the confusion of developments beyond it , in societies at last becoming generally literate , is still very much with us .
8 Longitudinal studies of this kind have been very limited , and the study should provide an excellent basis for the critical examination of self-identity theory .
9 We 're actually in a part of Barley Hall now accidentally except that this part has been so Georgianized that we have n't incorporated into the medieval house it 's used as an office .
10 Of course , she missed her family , but her father 's promotion to foreign correspondent had been too good a chance for him to miss .
11 The accuracy of this technique has been steadily improving and measurements can now be made over thousands of kilometres to an accuracy of a few millimetres .
12 Discs ' efforts in this direction have been decidedly half-hearted .
13 The struggle against the powerlessness encouraged by the medical model , especially in certain political settings , has been at the core of many liberation movements and this struggle has been especially powerful within women 's liberation movements .
14 It has become apparent that the lifts in this building have been increasingly subject to abuse .
15 Wily Imp has been consistently successful throughout his dressage career at home and abroad , though the victory that possibly thrilled Trish most was winning the Prix St. Georges at Catherston in ‘ 86 .
16 This effect has been most noticeable , for obvious reasons , in the most highly capitalized forms of production .
17 So far this chapter has been largely relevant to social work both within the community and in the residential area .
18 Up to the 1930s the bulk of quantitative social research had been largely demographic in character .
19 Even in this era of psycho-history , it is impossible to think of any other historical character of note whose public persona has been so submerged , and private morality so relentlessly pursued with such ruthless subjectivity on the part of those who have written about her .
20 I am sure our experience with our youngest child has been very much due to the fact that the whole family has been involved .
21 Brooke of the College of Arms to the editor of Archaeologia gave an account of her funeral : ‘ As the funeral of this princess has been hitherto unpublished , I have sent , for your entertainment , the procession , from my collection of ceremonials , No .
22 But this cold has been so bad today .
23 His kindness to the old lady had been completely disinterested .
24 This focus on experience ( in Greek empeiria ) is expressed in the standard description of Hume 's type of philosophy as empiricist rather than rationalist ; and empiricism of this stamp has been especially influential in British philosophy in more recent times as well .
25 And er they said they wanted a nurse , this child had been very sick and they did n't quite know what was wrong with him .
26 There is no doubt that this work has been enormously fruitful in pointing out the detailed strategies and rhetorical manoeuvres involved in the expression of racism .
27 This work has been very flexible and has fitted in very easily with holidays ’ .
28 It says : ‘ This attitude has been particularly noticeable since the appointment of two area directors .
29 England 's batting in this Test has been as dodgy as the plate of prawns which ruled out captain Graham Gooch .
30 Although the development of the modern welfare state has captured the interest of scholars in the fields of both Economic and Social History and Social Policy and Administration the degree of cross-disciplinary dialogue has been rather disappointing ( Lowe , 1992 ) .
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