Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The most common drill — and this is even practised by the better players who may be struggling with their groundstrokes — is to put targets within 60–90cm ( 2–3ft ) of the baseline and inside tramline and think in terms of rallying while aiming at the targeted areas .
2 Misha Glenny takes us through the historical background to the war , before giving us a more detailed account of the political manoeuvring and stirring from August 1990 to May 1992 .
3 When one came under the hammer in Morgan 's — the boat belonged to a fisherman who no longer required it — it drew strong bidding and sold for £2,000 .
4 And I was delighted to have the neighbourhood laid out for me in the way a child sees its domain , and to earn a little money and receive from Mme Bluot the excellent unsold cakes and breads she would otherwise have had Didier feed to the ducks .
5 It rules out any accidental exposure and exposing to males .
6 He was arrested by a uniformed PC and charged with assault causing actual bodily harm .
7 He glanced in that direction and stiffened with alarm .
8 Courses primarily of the one-hour-a-week variety and based on vocabulary with English — sign equivalents can do no more than serve as an introduction .
9 The organisers of Dublin 's year are keen not only to promote all things Irish but also make a European stand and put on exhibitions of interest to the whole community .
10 To receive the Annual Report for the year 1980–81 , the adoption of which will be proposed by Mrs. Hilary Weedon , retiring Chairman and seconded by Mrs. June Bascombe , retiring Vice-Chairman and new Chairman .
11 If a question is capable of being answered in a sentence , answer it immediately in that sentence and proceed to explanation afterwards .
12 It would be arrogant foolishness to ignore that experience and to start from scratch designing a stringing by ear .
13 So I usually sipped spicy tea and listened to records all night .
14 Mr. Corfe is unimpressed with a League plan to impose a levy on transfers and performance money , which would be held individually on behalf of each club and used for items like ground improvements .
15 Loks like granules , but add a pint or so of water and it swells , filling up a vase with solid squishiness and looking like crystal .
16 The immunisation was carried out every four weeks and 10 ml of blood was collected one week after each injection and analysed for reactivity against PT-gliadin by dot blotting .
17 Another important event which the North Norfolk company hopes will take place at the end of 1992 is the return of the B12 locomotive which is at present undergoing extensive re-building and overhaul in Germany .
18 In use as a hospital until 1965 , in 1977 it was declared an historic monument and saved from demolition .
19 Do this exercise three times to each side and increase after practice .
20 His first book , ‘ The Northern Ireland Problem ’ , co-written with Charles Carter after extensive research and published by Oxford University Press , appeared several years before the Troubles .
21 Leibniz took a different route and looked for clues to particularity within the monads themselves , but the only " criterion " he was able to produce was his " principle of indiscernibles " , and eventually he was forced to introduce the additional metaphysical postulate of " sufficient reason " in order to safeguard the existential uniqueness of his monads .
22 After 1949 he joined the Foreign Ministry and served in London between 1954 and 1962 .
23 To use the jargon , federalism means extending the competence of the Euro-institutions to defence , foreign , immigration and asylum , social , and economic policies — the bread and butter issues of our politics are to be removed from this Parliament and transferred to Brussels .
24 As British economists know only too well , it is easy to turn a blind eye to unwelcome truths of this kind and to indulge for decades in a form of national self-delusion .
25 The chief task of MI5 between 1939 and 1945 was to counter German espionage and sabotage in Britain and the empire .
26 She was eventually wrapped in a wet blanket and taken to hospital suffering from severe burns to the upper part of her body .
27 Continual assessment and updating of instructors would ensure that the limited time available for training was used to best effect .
28 By 4 am Gary Humphreys was dead , having suffered a broken jaw and choked to death on his own blood .
29 Requiring a Streams interface from the host Unix system , SNAP-IX includes PU type 2.1 ( over SDLC or X.25 ) , APPC , CPI-C ( as adopted by X/Open ) , LU6.2 , LU 0,1,2 and 3 , 3270/3770 emulation and support for NetView .
30 We arrived here yesterday from Flinders at which place I was especially gratified to [ word not clear ] my acquaintance with the Natives and other things , and I should have left the island with a light heart and proceeded to Kings had [ not ] a fatal accident happened to one of the men who shot himself dead by incautiously pulling the gun from the boat with the muzzle toward his chest , the cock of the gun caught the seat of the boat and all was over with the poor fellow in half a minute .
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