Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] the high [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So again , credit transfer would allow this student to gain the higher award on the completion of six more credits .
2 Despite these kinds of market issues , Microsoft is unlikely to allow developers to add value by tinkering with NT operating system code , ‘ but it may have to change this model to win the high end , ’ warns Schuster .
3 It was hoped in this way to reduce the high refusal rate which is a hazard in sociolinguistic surveys , and indeed the method seemed in general to be successful in this respect ; altogether , out of 40 addresses visited , only 8 refusals were recorded .
4 Ministers are pinning their hopes on a big spending Christmas this year to give the High Street and struggling businesses a boost .
5 Nothing decided in the present case is intended in the least degree to diminish the high importance rightly recognised to attach to the concept of the implied undertaking as a necessary way of underpinning the integrity of the discovery process ( post , p. 926F ) .
6 Certainly nothing that we decide in the present case is intended in the least degree to diminish the high importance rightly recognised to attach to the concept of the implied undertaking as a necessary way of underpinning the integrity of the discovery process .
7 Will he agree also that it would be a serious mistake to abandon the high standards of justice to which we try to keep as a reaction to these events and the evil in Northern Ireland that took place last Friday ?
8 Indeed , newly issued bills will have to carry a larger discount to match the higher market rates .
9 The choice of this figure suggests a well-judged ploy to restrict the highest rate to the truly rich , for it is noticeable that the majority of assessments between £40 and £100 were bunched around the minimum figure .
10 John Ross , formerly from Fast Drains , and Kevin Stone from the Hygiene branch at West Hoathly braved the bitterly cold and freezing rain to operate the high pressure Rota blast jetter which has a rotating head that produces 10,000 lb per square inch of water pressure .
11 This is duly hooked up to its stablemate , an Ampeg 1510 cab , containing one 15″ and one 10″ speaker with an attenuable horn to augment the higher frequencies .
12 It was all to do with instinct , unsullied intelligence and an innate ability to discount the higher promptings of reason .
13 THE first case to reach the High Court of a child seeking to ‘ divorce ’ her parents began today behind closed doors .
14 Does my right hon. Friend agree that any proposal to raise the higher rate of income tax , as advocated by the Opposition , would be damaging for morale and prosperity , because such a move would not only destroy the will to work but drive some of our best brains out of the country ?
15 At the same time this has been accompanied by a determined push by the German authorities through the EC institutions to impose a Community-wide statutory minimum wage to counter the high wage costs of West Germany .
16 Expenditure above the GREA level results in a reduction of block grant , with a ‘ steepening ’ effect built in above a certain threshold to penalize the high spenders .
17 Their manpower planning is sophisticated enough to ensure that there will be an adequate number of candidates of sufficient calibre to reach the highest levels in those organisations at any future time .
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