Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He is also firmly committed to proactive management : ‘ This is n't the kind of business environment in which we can set targets and expect something to happen , and we 're not waiting for an economic turnaround to provide us with the kind of results we want to turn in .
2 When doctors announced that there was a glimmer of hope , Raine organized a private ambulance to take him to the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Queen Square , central London where for several months he lay in a coma .
3 Retirement combines these two aspects of companionship , on the one hand an increasing rate of loss , and on the other , less social opportunity to replace them through the place of work .
4 Mrs A. W. wrote : ‘ I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time and effort you have put into compiling this diet which has made a bigger difference to my weight and dimensions than any other diet I have been on … . ‘
5 I hope you will not be too disappointed and would take this opportunity to thank you for the interest which you have shown .
6 I hope you will not be too disappointed and would take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have shown .
7 I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the high standard achieved by your service engineer , Dick Churcher [ Healthcare Atherstone ] for his attitude and appearance whilst working at our depots .
8 The Prince is also very keen on deer stalking , another pull to keep him in the Highlands for as long as he can manage .
9 But neither should we enable this sympathy to blind us to the greater truth that more persons suffer , many fatally , from corporate crime than ‘ conventional ’ crime .
10 Yet oddly enough when Massine staged his Donald of the Burthens with the help of a Scottish expert to guide him through the traditional steps and figures it was not a success , possibly because too much reliance was placed .
11 There is a need to recognise and further consider the position of male carers , while not using this issue to deflect us from the more general issues which arise for women through entrenched assumptions that this is their ‘ natural ’ role .
12 Several influences combined in this period to help him in the search for an alternative theological approach .
13 The ground was largely excavated by hand , and shovelled into small tipping trucks , which were then hauled on rails by horses.4 ; Excavated material from the lower level was raised to form the top of the planes and a stretch of embanked canal to connect them with the summit pound .
14 Nor was there the slightest need to tell her of the thoughts that were uppermost in his mind .
15 The generous buffet is both pleasing to the eye and the taste buds , with free wine to get you in the mood for an evening of entertainment .
16 The phone wo n't ring because there 's a two-second delay to get you into the device .
17 Yet if Elizabeth relied more heavily than her predecessors on direct taxation to carry her through the years of peace , she showed a greater reluctance than her father to squeeze the country heavily in times of war .
18 The telephone rang at 8a.m. this morning to alert me to the fact that you were to be broadcasting on Radio 4 … 't was a friend of mine to whom I had mentioned your future plans …
19 Er I 'd like to i ask our presenters this morning to join me on the stage to take any questions from the floor and ask if you could er fill in your er y y your sur your sheets on the on today 's events before you leave please .
20 But it took a trained observer to follow her through the quicksands of her disapprobation ; a false step on the part of one of the aunts , for instance , could have reversed her attitude , and led her into a eulogy of black , into a martyred position whence the garments of all the others were an insult to her lone and exclusive widowhood , into a position where she alone had the right to flout the weight of tradition .
21 They get some man to do it at the moment .
22 Gathering her courage together , she descended from the gig and waited for the old man to precede her across the porch .
23 Outside the hotel he had fought down misgivings at the idea of allowing an old man to drag him through the streets when he could easily have walked , and he began to wonder if he should dismount .
24 So I want to , first of all , in presenting this report to remind you of the importance of that link and for us to encourage its development .
25 I shall have a fat Davidoff in my breast pocket and an old crony to slap me on the back .
26 It would give the American parent group a chance to examine his potential at close quarters and at the same time he would be able to undergo some training to prepare him for the more elevated positions he was destined to occupy in future .
27 The kit includes a fine brass pendulum and chain along with a detailed book to point you in the right direction .
28 Many believe that Mr Kinnock 's heart may have been cut out and stamped on but that it beats anew in Mr Brown , and for this reason alone the party leader is credited with wanting the 41-year old Scot to succeed him in the event of disaster .
29 It is one thing to draw money from the public in terms of council tax and it 's another thing to spend it in the way you intend to do it .
30 He used a silver-topped cane to assist him to the dining-room .
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