Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She was not so lucky with Benton , who sprang up and crashed into her , his arms locking around her waist , their combined momentum slamming them against the door .
2 The duo 's set seemed lethargic , a muddy mix robbing them of the textured subtleties that make their records so invigorating .
3 At least this time she had some help loading them into the van .
4 ‘ Well , all this business putting me on the carpet … implying that I might leave you short . ’
5 But all good things must come to an end ; back on the old routine mixing it with the Luftwaffe and all they could muster — and their reaction was tremendous .
6 When I ran back to the girl , there were a couple of railwaymen on their way to work and another policeman carrying her to the Out-patients .
7 I was awakened by a French Commando nudging me in the ribs with the toe of his boot .
8 But many teachers feel this will be too late to make the public stop comparing them to the O-level system .
9 On June 1 End Product Duty — the system that assesses the tax on beer as it is about to leave the brewery — replaced the old system assessing it at the beginning of fermentation .
10 The decline in rough grassland/moor may reflect its ‘ better ’ agricultural management bringing it into the category of permanent grassland instead .
11 He walked away , his long , easy stride taking him down the rough path to the lakeside .
12 So the real question facing us at the moment is not whether there should be a relationship , or whether there should be a link but in what way we should modernize it and arrange it today .
13 She looked up and found Alain 's eyes on her , the dark gaze studying her through the driving mirror .
14 The clonk may be several things , but is most probably the ball joint on top the rear axle joining it to the rear ‘ A ’ frame .
15 erm I have two children and I have found that it was quite a full-time job persuading them of the virtue of certain old-fashioned ways of going about things .
16 Right at the very beginning , in the prayer which arises from the memory of Christ 's anguish in the garden of Gethsemane when the narrator remembers " swattest blod for angwysche " , the shorter version identifies this sweat with that which marks the healing and turning point of human fever conflating it with the sweat of human anguish struggling against evil .
17 Not only does the text tend to be repetitious but each item of gear if prefaced by an otherwise blank page informing us of the Key Point to be gleaned in that section , pearls of wisdom such as : ‘ A file is useful for sharpening the edges of your … hooks .
18 If I was n't being held up by the man 's gripping hand hauling me through the ferns I feel like I 'd fall down .
19 Nor did Hincmar say more about a king 's daughters : in Charlemagne 's later years , the political influence of his womenfolk ( mistresses as well as daughters ) at court had been notorious , but his successors had either used their daughters in marriage-alliances , or , more often , placed them in convents , either way removing them from the political centre .
20 What if she does n't want to be swollen to the size of an elephant with a bleeding parasite kicking her in the guts day and night ?
21 Maltote slumped down on the stool , his long sword catching him between the legs and nearly tipping him over on his face .
22 ‘ Good thing it 's Curtius , ’ Magda said , ‘ if'n he blows his brains out , at least we wo n't be all day scraping them off the floor .
23 They rose to go , Giles Hawick with the politician 's automatic competence escorting them to the lift and warmly asking Catherine Crane where she had trained and how she liked her job .
24 It was time to ring Holly Chase at the office with a brief story about the faintly ducal connection roughing it on the beach .
25 A further door led off to the right , with a tiled passage taking her to the bathroom , and another large square room at the end , which was probably the dining-room .
26 ‘ And so , my children , ’ she said , dominating the staff room as inevitably she dominated whenever she chose , ‘ so we all troop along an hour early , as commanded by the Great God Crumwallis , to usher the parents from their Daimlers and along to the glittering scene awaiting them in the Crumwallis quarters .
27 Van Gelder had just left the bridge when another loudspeaker came to life , the repeated double buzzer identifying it as the radio-room .
28 Irony was to the fore when in 1925 he wrote of the Russian Revolution , but behind it was a more important urge leading him to the poem ‘ Le Voyage ’ of his favourite Baudelaire .
29 I never wore the roll-neck out there again and as the years passed I was gradually given a large wardrobe of beautiful traditional dresses , which I wore with comfort and delight , each dress reminding me of the giver .
30 She could feel his hot weight pinning her against the mattress , her legs helplessly kicking out as he began remorselessly to stroke her silken side , bringing his hand slowly and repeatedly from shoulder to hip .
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