Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb past] been [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She calmly told me that the police had called round and that Nassim had been looking for me .
2 The City and the Confederation of British Industry had been looking for some indication of earlier participation in the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS .
3 Ian Clark and Nicholas Wheeler demonstrate the degree to which British thinking had been moving in this direction since 1943 .
4 The unemployed electrician had been living with girlfriend Andrea McCardle at the flat in Lee Park Drive , Belle Vale , for two years .
5 This microlight had been flying with the right wingtip set to maximum incidence , but with the left at one setting of reduced incidence from neutral .
6 Mr Wolski knew already that the old eagle had been ailing for months now and that three weeks ago they had finally taken her out of her cage and into the veterinary block to see if there was anything they could do for her .
7 Not surprisingly the British economy had been growing at only about half the average annual rate of 5.4 per cent for the EEC countries since 1953 .
8 The new aspect which foreign policy had been acquiring for two or three decades had suddenly grown to startling dimensions .
9 While John Paul Jones had been captivating the ladies of Paris the French government had been preparing for the most serious attack on England since the Dutch incursion into the Medway .
10 And er an interesting thing had been coming to our house She comes goes to the same church .
11 The Yalta Repatriation agreement was the culmination of months of negotiation between the governments involved , and as the documents summarised at the end of this volume indicate [ see KPs 1–16 ] , consideration of British policy on this matter had been continuing on the highest level since the summer of 1944 .
12 Unbeaten all year and even expected to win by his rivals , the 26-year-old had looked odds-on to win the senior world title which British athletics had been expecting of him since he won the junior crown in 1986 .
13 This brother had been working in Derby for some considerable time .
14 Lefevre , who for some time had been shifting in his seat with every sign of impatience , relaxed and smiled .
15 The embattled Chancellor had been hoping for a public show of loyalty from the Prime Minister .
16 The IDB president , Enrique Iglesias of Uruguay , had said on April 4 that although Japanese investment had been rising in Chile , Mexico , Brazil and Venezuela , " we see potential for much more " .
17 She claimed she and the murdered girl had been drinking with the old man , and that he had killed her friend , but the old man was acquitted and McLachlan was sentenced to hang .
18 ‘ What in the world are you two talking of ? ’ interrupted Rose , whose perplexed gaze had been going from one to the other .
19 The cooperative movement had been going through the same process , and every week was being confronted by the same forces which had compelled trade unionists to consolidate their forces .
20 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party had been looking for an excuse to reward its friends in the building industry for their financial support .
21 Afterwards , he remembered that Lots Road power station had smoked whitely into a grey sky , and that along the Embankment a cold wind had been whipping off the river , driving spread-eagled pages from an old newspaper before it and wrapping one of them round the legs of a tall , frail man in a tweed overcoat .
22 The critically-ill youngster had been staying with various people after walking out of home following rows with her stepfather John .
23 It was as if a sick national organism had been waiting for the right , suitably appalling , symptom to erupt into general protest at its fate .
24 For the past half-hour the little man had been giggling to himself as he stropped a Buck knife razor-sharp on the inside of his belt .
25 The wind that day had been increasing with the approach of bad weather and the instructor , who had decided that it was time to stop , was towing the glider to the hangar .
26 His best guess was that the reference was to Nerys , that his unconscious mind had been looking for comfort in the prospect that Wayne would at least be with his mother , in which case he decided that there was probably some hope for his mental state after all .
27 In practice Anglo-American co-operation had been increasing for some years , but this was now expanded .
28 The Grand Army had been marching along the west bank of the Goldbach , parallel to enemy , and away from its base in the Austrian capital .
29 Disillusionment with the ‘ big ’ government philosophy of the New Deal and the Great Society had been growing during the 1970s — even Carter had been fairly conservative in domestic policy .
30 But if the then Prime Minister had been governing by decree based on policies formed by her own beliefs , credit might have been easy .
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