Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [coord] so the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No further items were traced referring to this case and so the confusion was allowed to remain .
2 At the shorter wavelength , the rings are lit up by the Sun 's radiation and shine brilliantly ; but methane in Saturn 's atmosphere absorbs at this wavelength and so the planet itself is virtually invisible .
3 The fleshly temptations of porn pose a threat to public morality and so the law steps in .
4 In the case of inferior courts , that is , courts of a lower status than the High Court , such as the justices of the peace , it was recognised that their learning and understanding of the law might sometimes be imperfect and require correction by the High Court and so the rule evolved that certiorari was available to correct an error of law of an inferior court .
5 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
6 Both are embedded in the roof of a nearby school and so the Captain has to make a manual approach , without the benefit of wearing the EOD protective suit .
7 At a frequency of 20 hertz , there are 20 waves each second and so the length of each one is about 17 metres .
8 These later die and so the carbon dioxide eventually finds its way to the sea floor as sediment .
9 In the other response the stepping rate is approximately equal to the natural frequency and so the rotor is at the equilibrium position with a positive velocity at the end of the first step .
10 There was evidence that could be seen to point either way and so the verdict was left open .
11 The ‘ misery line ’ as it is called-stations from Kennington to Morden dim and cheerless dungeons , trains cancelled with appalling regularity ( there 's a shortage of drivers on the Northern Line , because it is the last to embrace OPO-one person operation-and so the pay is lower than on other lines ) .
12 And when I hit those chords really hard , there was none of that fluttering noise and so the rhythm parts became a little spankier sounding .
13 The resultant figure is a net liability and so the minority interest is a debit balance .
14 Equity only protects the bona fide purchaser for value of a legal estate and so the rule should be of no application .
15 Opposition to Home Rule had been canalized into a patriotic war and so the party ended the war in a confident mood , as it had begun it .
16 Its compound eye resolves less detail and so the image would look both much coarser and grainier .
17 To become a successful barrister , therefore , it is necessary to have financial support and so the background has to be that of the reasonably well-to-do family which , as a matter of course , sends its sons or daughters to public schools and then to Oxford or Cambridge .
18 Now if that is correct perhaps a minister could say so and clear in explicit terms er because it is very , very important because increasingly er a number of firms act in er in er in in both capacities and indeed for the large firms I think many of us are aware of the difficulty that 's now arising and there are only half a dozen very large accountancy firms that are capable of providing accounting and auditing services in this country and indeed most of them are beneficiaries of this government 's largesse in awarding public service contracts er to a surprising degree and so the government will be well aware of the problem .
19 Being an intercooled unit the engine runs cooler than a non intercooled turbocharged diesel as the air fed into the engine is at a lower temperature and so the engine cooling system does not have to dispose of as much waste heat .
20 In the last decade or so the area has become fairly well known as the centre of production of red wine which has risen in the hierarchy of wines of Languedoc : it should achieve further fame for its ponts naturels .
21 In the past week or so the Sheikh has won the Coronation Cup with Opera House and the Oaks with Intrepidity .
22 During the last century or so the Lane 's territory has been stolen by Station Road and Hopetown Lane , although in manner of compensation it has been up-graded to a road .
23 He argues that over the last century or so the number of white-collar jobs has increased rapidly , but at the same time the skill required to do the jobs has been reduced .
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