Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [coord] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Later in the season , plants offer animals food of a different kind and for a different reason .
2 There was a need for a Bible in the English tongue and for a new liturgy in English which would clearly indicate the Church 's disbelief in Purgatory , pilgrimages , and in transubstantiation .
3 Thirdly , the Labour party 's support for the social action programme of the social charter and for a minimum wage represents a political double-barrelled shotgun aimed at the working population , particularly those in lower-paid jobs .
4 This acknowledged the need for a better trained workforce and for a previous lack of expenditure in the welfare sphere .
5 In such a case an adult might be held liable either for breach of his contract to use proper care or for a wrong independent of the contract ; an infant has been held not to be liable at all .
6 Evidence resolving the trichotomy at node 3 is provided for a human-chimpanzee grouping and for a chimpanzee-gorilla grouping .
7 So if you , I mean , to go back to our initial proposition , whilst on the face of it it seems curious that in the area in south China where one would expect land reform to be easiest to achieve the communists adopt a much more moderate , slower , cautious policy but for a whole variety of reasons we , we 're , we 're tending towards the view that that would be the most appropriate anyway .
8 In a limited sense and for a fortunate few who were related to the adult mule spinners with whom they worked , this may have been true .
9 We are led to consider ways of speeding up these operations , for a given fixed technology and for a given fixed representation for numbers ( which determines the results of these operations at an architectural level ) .
10 For a circular rod of radius a the form factor F is the same as the moment of area and so for a free-free torsional resonant vibration and for a clamped-free resonance .
11 The treaty provided for the elimination of all chemical weapons stocks over a 10-year period and for a detailed inspections procedure for to ensure compliance .
12 There is no legal right to protect or demonstrate — merely a right for the present to say what one likes provided that it is lawful whether by way of ‘ protest ’ or otherwise ; or a right to pass to and fro along the highway in a reasonable manner and for a proper purpose , whether carrying a banner or not .
13 In other cases , e.g. for a closed domain and/or for a non-linguistic task such as database query , CLE-1 's behaviour is probably preferable .
14 The next three days were spent not looking at the buildings and architecture of gay Paree but for a mythical Adidas Centre which one of my mates overheard someone talking about in hushed tones in a Liverpool snug .
15 CALLS for a ban on tanker traffic through the Minch except in severe weather and for a deep water route west of the Hebrides are among 42 submissions by the Western Isles Council to the Donaldson Inquiry into the prevention of pollution from merchant shipping .
16 It must be a problem if people sort of leave their children in nurseries all the time cos it 's nice for a short time but for a long long time they 're just not yours are they any more ?
17 As with the hybrid motor , there is a conflict between the design of a system for high-speed operation and for a well-damped response , because if one-phase-on excitation is used the single.step response is poorly damped .
18 This will influence the teacher 's or therapist 's decision regarding whether or not the test is likely to be useful for a particular child and for a particular purpose .
19 Also in February he was discussing ideas for a Botticelli ballet and for a Debussy ballet ; these eventually coalesced into one idea , Primavera .
20 According to the Peruvian press , however , the budget bill had allowed for a 300 per cent increase in Fujimori 's own salary and for a 17-fold increase in spending by the presidential office .
21 The bank manager , accountant , solicitor or building contractor might have something to offer at a particular time or for a particular purpose but they would not be fully established voting members of the group .
22 He wore an expression of abject defeat and for a short moment my attention moved away from my own troubles and I felt sorry for him .
23 Therefore , the plaintiffs , a partnership in general medical practice , were seeking to prevent an employee once he had left , from , inter alia , practising as a consultant within a certain area and for a certain time .
24 The conference called for mass action in support of a transitional government and for a constitutional assembly to negotiate the new constitution .
25 The section provides for the newspaper advertisement of applications for a grant ( including a provisional grant ) of a new licence and for a regular extension of the permitted hours by the clerk of the board to whom application is made ( subs .
26 The ability of the modem to translate signals makes the information services market we have today a possibility … information publishers must now prepare for a new challenge and for a similar degree of networking capacity for video and other multimedia as they currently experience for data … ’
27 But Joseph had always been very devoted to any local news and for a long time the talk of the town had been the Cockermouth man — Fletcher Christian 's — Mutiny .
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