Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 They reached the third round in four consecutive years , a feat equalled by very few lower division clubs at the time .
2 ‘ But I am ready to ignore any further transfer rumours for the time being and concentrate on making this a successful season for Rangers . ’
3 The heroism of the Glosters over 2 centuries had already won the regiment more than 30 battle honours by the time the First World War broke out .
4 Some say that hunting in old burned-over sites when the oak leaves first appear is a good and fruitful strategy , but others insist that morels are best collected in old apple orchards at the time when the lilacs bloom .
5 ( Like many British design engineers at the time — and unlike Continental or American ones — he had no university training and had come up through the usual apprenticeship route with evening and part-time study . )
6 Unastounding today , his openness shocked and perplexed the establishment and anti-drug abuse authorities at the time , especially in the panic-stricken aftermath of Sharon Tate and other horrendous drug-related deaths of that time , including Brian Jones , Jimi Hendrix , Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison .
7 There were also financial losses to the British Electricity Authority from having to operate old and inefficient plant for more extended periods than they would have chosen in normal times : in the early 1950s the extra cost of burning scarce coal inefficiently was reckoned at £3½ millions a year at the low official coal prices of the time , though the real resource cost was somewhat higher than this .
8 WARTIME FOOTAGE overlaid with Beatles songs performed by assorted pop dolts of the time .
9 The car , a Rover , was carrying false number plates at the time of the accident but was later identified by police as having been stolen from Roman Road , Colchester , on March 8 .
10 The great metalworking centres of the time were in Mesopotamia , Iran and Egypt .
11 Greatrakes became the object of controversy with fierce polemics in the public prints ; and it is an impressive testimonial to the veracity of his healing powers that he was not burnt as a witch like many faith healers of the time , or at least arraigned for usurping the royal prerogative .
12 In the April 18 issue of 19970 , chirpy chart regulars of the time , Blue Mink can be heard bemoaning the onset of ‘ Progressive Rock ’ in terms that are extremely revealing : ‘ The ‘ underground ’ scene has been rammed down people 's throats for too long .
13 Then came ‘ Gimmie Indie Rock ’ , a funny and sarcastic swipe at all the unit-shifting alternative rock dinosaurs of the time , and some people noticed .
14 A discography for the years 1968–71 , compiled by Harry Hawke , occurs later in this book and lists some of the better dance records of the time .
15 This paper presents results for eighteen clients accepted on to the Special Development Team caseload , who were living in NHS mental handicap hospitals at the time of referral , eleven of whom had moved to staffed houses in the community .
16 The green speckled Spartan basalt used at Knossos came from the south Peloponnese ; a store-room in the East Wing of the Knossos Labyrinth held a supply of Spartan basalt blocks at the time of the temple 's abandonment in 1380 BC .
17 The scheme was a perfectly serious one , though like many railway ventures at the time it was rather ambitious .
18 The major party contests of the time were , of course , between the Tories and Whigs or , in the latter part of the nineteenth century , their successors the Conservatives and Liberals .
19 Of the 714 children , 301 ( 42.2% ) had no detectable antibody against one or more poliovirus types at the time of vaccination .
20 The Corporation may cancel this Policy by sending seven days notice by registered letter to the Policyholder at his last known address and in such event will return to the Policyholder the premium less the pro rata portion thereof for the period the Policy has been in force or the Policy may be cancelled at any time by the Policyholder on seven days notice and ( provided no claim has arisen during the then current period of insurance ( subject to the relative International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) being returned to the Corporation the Policyholder shall be entitled to a return of the premium less premium at the Corporations short period rates for the time the Policy has been in force calculated from the date upon which such Card is received by the Corporation .
21 They were prominent in the Silurian and Devonian , where they can be found with the fish-like animals that abounded in the fresh- and brackish water deposits of the time , although some of the Ordovician ones are in marine sediments .
22 Now , down in the bottoms , arose the new many-storeyed mills , some of them handsome buildings not too unlike the plain country houses of the time .
23 In innumerable works one finds that for many movements the last bar of one movement changes to the time signature of the following movement .
24 The successful LBOs in my study , as a group , had higher debt levels at the time of the buyout than those that later failed .
25 So important a part of our story does Macmillan 's visit to the north become that we must deal with it in some detail , and our main contemporary source for what happened is Macmillan 's own diary entries of the time for 12 and 13 May .
26 The other finding of note is that debt levels at the time of the buyout , and increases in debt associated with the buyout , are not good predictive measures in judging the potential for success in a transaction .
27 And he pointed out that the NII had given assurances to both the House of Commons select committee on energy and to successive energy ministers that there would be no unresolved safety issues by the time the public inquiry got under way .
28 It happened that he decided to go back and found himself commanding a squadron on operations at about the same time that Salmon and Gluxstein as we called the two German battle wagons , decided to leave Brest , head up through the Channel and escape the wrath of the Navy and whatever airborne effort we could produce in the teeth of extraordinarily adverse weather conditions at the time .
29 Applicants who will have met the minimum academic entrance requirements by the time they enter university stand a good chance of being made an offer : those who have already met these requirements before applying will receive unconditional offers , while those with examinations still to take will receive conditional offers .
30 As in most Gascon forces of the time , they were surrounded by a mass of damoiseaux , donzels or douzets , some of whom were not young , inexperienced esquires but veterans of many campaigns and expeditions .
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