Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] which [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 If you are fortunate enough to have a lower level into which you can siphon away the water , that is the easiest .
2 A Committee sponsored by the Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government to " look at problems arising out of the apparent failure … of government and industry to work together effectively " argued that " industrialists have been justified in recent years in criticising the government for failing to provide a stable economic framework within which they can plan and invest in the long-term " .
3 Chesterton , a Stanhope who survived , found in fascism a positive political creed with which he could identify .
4 The idea is that one does not really accept a universal rule unless an imaginative attempt to put oneself in the place of everyone affected still leaves one happy with it , for only so does one accept the prescription that the action should be done in that case in which it would be oneself rather than the other who was in such a place .
5 The endemic Hong Kong cascade frog has evolved suction pads on the end of each toe with which it can cling to the slippery rocks when the flash-floods strike .
6 no , not directly , each regional office would have a regional M D , managing director , who would actually be on the board , the divisional board with me , each regional M D would then have his own regional board on which there would be er finance er finance director , sales and marketing director , construction director , land director , not all of them , all seven had that board immediately , some developed that board , grew that board over a couple of years
7 And similarly we must not allow ourselves to look for something below that practice on which we can ground the feeling that the practice is going on in an objectively correct way .
8 Surely , the lowest level of coordinated action at which we could seriously confront this question is that of the European Community ?
9 ‘ Accordingly , ’ said Miller , ‘ I propose to hold a press conference this afternoon at which I 'll reveal we 're dealing with a kidnap as well as a murder . ’
10 What are the main obstacles in the way of people taking more control over their own health and health care and have we examples of this struggle from which we can all learn ?
11 However , where the theoretician can help managers is in providing some framework into which they can put their observations about goals .
12 The question posed is , What is the minimum acceptable budget below which anyone would be accepted as poor ?
13 Was there perhaps some route by which it could be circumvented ?
14 But I do not think that there can be a rational , scientific criterion by which you can say : this is really the best .
15 When ‘ PURPLE ’ has yielded to some new variation on Silk Cut 's eternal thematics , and when the airline traveller with egg on his face has faded from the public consciousness on which it will have so briefly impinged , Magritte 's images will still be there , mysterious and self-sufficient .
16 That is exactly what has happened in Southampton where , in spite of all the professional advice , the Government committed an offence against the public purse for which they should still be held accountable .
17 Perhaps the slightest pleasure of which I can conceive is that of sucking a boiled sweet .
18 She was almost on top of the river before she realised that this was where the path was leading , and here she found another seat from which she could see a boat or two plaiting lazy fans of rippling wake through the smooth water .
19 well that 's very kind of you that 's another basis on which it might , albeit innocently , had mislead a prospective purchaser , correct ?
20 There will be three open classes each with a different teacher from which you may choose one session ; there will also be a separate class for the children and an interesting selection of displays .
21 If there is a will — and wills at that time are very easy to make , mere word of mouth is sufficient — the Bishop 's Court is the proper place in which it must be proved ; the Bishop 's Court will see that the executor carries out his duties properly .
22 But we need not pause to examine its defects , since there is a stronger and more interesting move with which it may be confused .
23 A court would interpret such words in their natural manner which is objective , i.e. the Secretary of State could not simply rely upon his own subjective beliefs , but would have to point to some evidence from which it could reasonably be inferred that , for example , Napoleon was a person of hostile origin .
24 When the pope asked for some sign by which he could tell ‘ which requests are important to us and are dear to our heart , and which are not ’ , Edward indicated early in the new year that he would mark such requests with the words Pater Sancte , written in his own hand , but he promised that these requests would be employed with restraint — ‘ only as we can and ought ’ .
25 A working class , disciplined for industrial work , is in the process of formation at the new sites : the organisation of these workers inside the labour process , on the production line , also embraces the possibility of their developing forms of political and social self-organisation with which they can struggle for their own development .
26 But there 's always some manner in which we ca n't quite break free , and most of us will find ourselves one shocked moment holding a girlfriend or boyfriend in the way we 've seen our parents holding each other for years .
27 The next English authority to which I must refer is Avon Finance Co .
28 The latter is a good example of his more extended type of cantata with fewer but longer sections than Rossi 's : The opening of the duet will also illustrate one of Carissimi 's most striking characteristics , his genuine sense of key : The slow , uncertain supersession of mode by key had not yet generally revealed the possibilities of tonality for variety and dynamic structure ; composers still treated a key very much as a mode , a tonal area within which they could move and from which they wandered uncertainly , and which helped to give unity to a composition .
29 The olive grove through which he used to walk as a boy was submerged beneath a main road and a cluster of lean-to engineering sheds even before 1948 .
30 The space created will be like a tented temple in which everything may be seen in a different landscape , the familiar becomes strange and muted whilst the unfamiliar echoes past resemblances .
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