Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] place " in BNC.

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1 What complicated this debate was the question of whether there were enough houses of the right kind in the right places .
2 Why then did you put over a hundred thousand pounds in that budget in the first place ?
3 ‘ If she 's dead , ’ said Sam , ‘ she 's not going to mind much about anything , and anyway , if she went to all the trouble of making that tape in the first place , she 's obviously not bothered about leaving it lying around .
4 Fitting the right lock in the right place will make a thief think twice — he might give up and move on to easier targets .
5 " I 'm grateful to you for your help and for coming to High Brook in the first place .
6 Jimmy Airlie , chief Ford union negotiator , said : ‘ The princess should never have picked a foreign car in the first place .
7 certain departments save as well , one of the payments I 'm sure and again it 's not a direct cut in the short places .
8 Indeed , imposing performance-based emoluments of this sort flies in the face of one major reason for regulation or public ownership in the first place .
9 If we 're so smart we would n't be in this mess in the first place .
10 ‘ If she had done her job properly , I would never have been in this mess in the first place . ’
11 ‘ And I 'm sorry , too , ’ puts in Rainbow , ‘ for getting you into this mess in the first place .
12 Part of her , that stubborn , spirited side , the side that had got her into this mess in the first place , would n't let her give up , back out and admit that Luke Denner and his sexuality were more than she could handle .
13 Yet he is required to hand over his children 's future to the ‘ non-ideological ’ market forces he thinks are largely responsible for getting us all into this mess in the first place .
14 ‘ It 's over-consumption that got us into this mess in the first place , ’ says Julia Langer .
15 The biggest question mark over Major out of the row is how the Government got into this mess in the first place .
16 Emma Brodie died in Frenchgate shopping centre in Doncaster after being stabbed through the heart with a carving knife by Carol Barratt , 24 , who had attacked another child in the same place weeks earlier .
17 This was because , Murphy told him , he had never known a proper lady in the first place .
18 The decision to investigate this relationship in the first place was bound up with theories of the social function of closeknit networks ( see 5.7.1 ) .
19 Noone knew what had happened cos noone expected a free kick in the first place let alone expected them to take it like that .
20 But how did ‘ race ’ come to occupy a place in post-war British education in the first place and what were its terms of entry ?
21 Indeed P P G one paragraph four , talks about guiding development to the right places .
22 ‘ We were given the wrong advice in the first place , ’ says Jeremy Myles of TEM .
23 It 'll cost a hundred and forty thousand pounds to build but some locals say it 's the wrong bridge in the wrong place
24 ‘ The people who seem to be giving us all the orders now are the very people who , um , got us into this trouble in the first place ! ’
25 She followed this by joining the Royal Shakespeare Company on tour playing Juliet and later repeating this performance in the Other Place at Stratford upon Avon .
26 Regret because maybe her husband will find out and want to know why she was going with another man in the first place .
27 The guide confesses his blunder , saying that he has brought the wrong man to the wrong place .
28 My final choice from last week 's ‘ Independent ’ was the example that provoked me into attempting this subject in the first place .
29 While with the ancient city state there was a unity between town and country , since country settlements were really extensions of the city both in the type of economic activity which took place there and in the principles of social organization in the two places , this was not so under feudalism .
30 There are also important questions to be asked about the reasons for admission to residential care in the first place , for that in itself is an aspect of dependency .
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