Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] [adv] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The 1992 programme seeks to tighten up the public purchasing process so as to provide businesses with the prospect that in practice , rather than theory , the whole of the EC market is truly open to their competitive offers .
2 Let us assume that insiders are now willing to accept a real wage reduction so as to protect their jobs .
3 This micro-colony , set at 16,700ft , was supplied by air-drop , constructed entirely from discarded jerry-cans and covered with white parachute cotton so as to stand out like a sore thumb !
4 On the other hand , this argument assumes that the function of judicial review is first and foremost to provide redress against illegal government action rather than to protect the personal interests of litigants .
5 The modus vivendi was not signed , but it was promulgated in January 1948 in the minutes of the Combined Policy Committee so as to avoid reference to Congress or to the United Nations , which would have been necessary for a formal international agreement .
6 The Bank of England acted to keep the cost of overnight money low so as to take pressure off the longer dates , but analysts warned that the authorities would find it difficult to keep this tactic going .
7 Some of the owl species are covered by more than one pellet collection so as to provide an estimate of within species variation , but in some cases the sample is restricted to single pellet collections .
8 On 1 June 1992 , Clerkenwell Ltd allotted 200,000 £1 10% preference shares at par to the Friendly Bank plc so as to raise finance for expansion .
9 The inclusion of SENIOR LECTURER requires such an intermediate node on the right hand side so as to keep SUBJECT at the level of LECTURER who , along with SENIOR LECTURER , will be responsible for the teaching of the SUBJECT .
10 That theory 's notion of a world economy is , in its simplest form , based on the view that , since the inception of capitalism in Europe , every part of the globe is linked together through a world market and , thereafter , all that happens obeys the logic of that world market so as to generate profits for enterprises in the advanced capitalist countries .
11 Thus , they are unable to calculate the marginal revenue curve accurately or to draw the total revenue curve as we did in Fig. 2.8 .
12 They will sometimes also provide a member of their management team as a co-opted member for the governing body , allowing the manager time to visit during the normal school day so as to develop the strongest possible links .
13 They included a sweeping revision of the Internal Security Act so as to end detention without trial , as provided for in the " Pretoria Minute " agreement between the government and the ANC in August 1990 [ see p. 37642 ] ; a proposal to offer Cabinet seats to blacks during a transitional period while a new constitution was being negotiated ; the appointment of a neutral chairman of the constitutional conference ; and the appointment of an independent judge or jurist to investigate incidents of violence .
14 The whole process of review makes considerable demands ( Bell 1988:231 ) : the aim is to produce internal school development rather than to provide a mechanism for external accountability .
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