Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] well [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They look after the pregnant woman rather than ‘ the pregnancy ’ and are a source of practical and emotional support as well as health care to the woman and her baby .
2 The judges will be looking for businesses with innovative ideas , a foreseeable profitable future as well as success to date , ideas for future expansion , commitment to equal opportunities , steps taken for job-share/part-time ( where applicable ) , creativity , products which are environment-friendly and efforts to enhance the working environment .
3 In the meantime it faults the Classic on floating point performance , no graphics acceleration , 8-bit audio and a low-quality monitor as well as memory .
4 Local government is full of excitement and variety ; it is an opportunity to be at the centre of things in the community and an excellent stepping stone to work in private practice as well as commerce and industry .
5 The video and the student 's Activity Book together provide powerful reinforcement of the more difficult structural areas of this level as well as revision of language that students will have already met .
6 Being unemployed also means that you are deprived of the social contacts and involvement in collective activity that goes with paid employment ; you lack its external stimulus to activity and time-structure ; and you lack the status and sense of value provided by a job and expressed in terms of social esteem as well as money .
7 Leonard found this hard to stomach , and frequently expressed himself vehemently against his professor 's defences of the founder of Imagism ( which advocated free rhythm as well as concreteness of expression in poetry ) ; and against his disdainful , if teasing , comments of those who came from Westmount .
8 It is important to determine whether Bcl-2 blocks c-Myc-induced proliferation as well as apoptosis : the synergy between c-Myc and Bcl-2 can easily be rationalized if Bcl-2 blocks only the apoptotic function of c-Myc and leaves its mitogenic activity unaffected .
9 Honey contains some sucrose as well as glucose and fructose ; 1 teaspoon of honey has the same amount of calories as one teaspoon of sucrose .
10 Some large companies employ their own photographers but very often these people are expected to handle a good deal of clerical work as well as take and process all the photography .
11 Sure enough I got mushrooms and fried bread as well as bacon and egg and tomato , and porridge beforehand .
12 Cobden-Sanderson , co-founder of the Doves Press , was a celebrated binder as well as printer .
13 These have now been put in place , whilst in July 1976 Brezhnev was publicly identified as Chairman of this body as well as C.-in-C .
14 It was different from previous work in that main roads were to be included ; public transport as well as walking and cycling were to be considered ; and particular importance was to be attached to the attempt to lower costs and achieve area-wide benefits by applying fewer and simpler measures .
15 In backing a Petrakov plan , Mr Gorbachev risks popular unrest as well as revolt within the Communist party ( and perhaps the resignation of his prime minister , Mr Nikolai Ryzhkov , if economic policy is rammed through by decree rather than through his government ) .
16 Induction , management , computers , health and safety , were mentioned by this group as well as need for approval of attendance at courses : ‘ Micro-computing courses , attitude training ’ …
17 It is social custom as well as genetics .
18 This would be similar to the one the Community signed with America covering political and cultural co-operation as well as trade .
19 Howson 's engineering expertise was invaluable ; so was his recognition that the disabled faced demoralization as well as hardship unless they secured employment .
20 Offstage , too , the Pipers became like second parents to John , and he picked up from their example many influences on his daily life as well as art .
21 The students , who attend junior high and senior high school as well as university , won their awards through LASMO 's Hajadi-Solomon scholarship programme , now in its fourth year .
22 It would be nice to have some conversation as well as sex — dinner out somewhere , say .
23 In a statement issued immediately after his appointment , the new Prime Minister announced that the priorities of his administration would be to establish " social discipline as well as law and order and progress in inter-Korea dialogue " .
24 The International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) , the Bank 's private-sector arm , can make loans to the private sector as well as equity investments .
25 I i in the past our aim with land reform has been very largely erm we want to end feudalism and we want to maximize mobilization we , we 're now saying okay we , we still want to those , but we , we 've also got to ensure that somehow we have a land law which ensures that agriculture will play a role in China 's industrialization and so we will get maximum efficiency from the agricultural sector as well as mobilization , as well as ending feudalism .
26 My hon. Friend is right that management as well as money is what counts .
27 It empowers the Department of Justice to sue to obtain redress for victims of housing discrimination ( the damages may include payment for personal humiliation as well as loss of time or money ) .
28 Given this chaotic situation , the Bolsheviks , when faced with the necessity to fight a civil war as well as combat foreign intervention , had to take urgent and drastic measures to supply the towns with food and the fledgling Red Army with weapons and munitions .
29 Allowing direct access for clients to the information system , without the support of an adviser , arouses in some advice workers the fear that the CAB could become an impersonal information centre , when the importance of providing a personal , listening service as well as information , has been so clearly recognised .
30 It offers short-term care up to a maximum of 6 weeks , a befriending service as well as bereavement counselling , transport and massage .
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