Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] [vb base] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had been asked to pick him up at eight thirty a.m. outside his billet at a nearby farmhouse and drive him to Bovington Camp in Dorset .
2 Then we 'll give him another feast and send him on his way . ’
3 So if , if you are a poor peasant you are thinking hold on the Party expects me to stand up to this landlord and accuse him of this this and this , actually point a finger at him when there is a chance that , you know , the Kuomintang is , is twenty miles away and they , I know they 've come into other villages as they come back , m of land to peasants.s in the form of land
4 I congratulate the hon. Member for Leyton ( Mr. Cohen ) on his success in securing this debate and thank him for raising the disturbing and important question of the use of knives in crime .
5 We could dispense some justice and hang him from the bowsprit to save the courts the trouble .
6 The water was rising all the time , and we had to seal him inside a waterproof bag and drag him through the sump . ’
7 After his election , if he is wise , he will go straight to the appropriate officer and consult him about the matter , for all sorts of considerations will apply : for example , the claims of other departments , town planning restrictions , the expense of the land and the like .
8 Perhaps she could go down next time there was a one-day match and drive him to Taunton herself , interview some of the club 's officers , work something up .
9 Next morning , she smiled at him over breakfast , drinking him in , for she must toil alone all day and bring him from the clay .
10 In a real fight you should move in fast with a fearsome yell and overwhelm him with blows before he can hit you .
11 Possibly too he aspired to this final showdown with his father in order to needle Theo , penetrate his tidy exterior and force him into the open .
12 Vincent once tried to persuade him to give up his safe career and join him as a fellow painter — like other famous brothers in art history .
13 To improve his nutritional state and get him into clinical remission before surgery he was given Elemental 028 but immediately became systemically unwell and developed diarrhoea and vomiting .
14 Will the Minister take time in the next week , as a matter of urgency , to meet the Israeli ambassador and tell him about the feeling in the country generally that the Israeli Government are literally getting away with murder ?
15 Gregory of Tours could at last write a coherent narrative of a barbarian ruler and provide him with a chronology .
16 In the early days of The Wedding Present , she would read his lyric book and ask him in which songs she featured .
17 Its aim is to do something in the life of the person who reads it , as well as to capture his aesthetic interest and supply him with historical and theological information .
18 Give him a mug of cocoa and a big kiss and send him on a month 's leave .
19 In theory , it is a simple matter to overthrow a wilting strongman and replace him with a civilian president conveniently waiting in the wings .
20 While the child is in care no-one may cause him to be known by a new surname or remove him from the United Kingdom without either the written consent of every person who has parental responsibility or the leave of the court ( s33(7) ) .
21 Why ca n't they go the last mile and ban him from bowling against England batsman who clearly would find reading Sanskrit easier than spotting than ‘ Hollywood 's ’ wrong ‘ un .
22 He wondered what Berowne was expecting him to do ; find a potential blackmailer or investigate him for double murder ?
23 But if we ca n't then we take him out of Saint Christopher 's next year and put him in a state school .
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