Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As we have already discussed , the ancestry of the rose is extremely wide and complicated , and although extraordinary genealogical detective work has been carried out into many family trees , one wonders how it is possible to be sure of the right direction when travelling through the mists and fogs of time , especially during the period before copyright was extended to plants , when secrecy was a safeguard against competition .
2 A project on technical change and subcontracting in the UK and Japan has started .
3 There can be no logical distinction between that case and looking at the draft Bill to see that the statute as enacted reproduced , often in the same words , the provision in the Law Commissions 's draft .
4 No more than a couple of good songs and much sub-Jagger ligging and leering with the Rats ; Do They Know It 's Christmas ? ; a mediocre first solo album ; and there the list peters out .
5 The possibility of a child being born with a handicap is not only an emotional worry but caring for the child in the future will be expensive .
6 The issue of measurement and control presupposes a clear differentiation and distancing between the controller and the object of control .
7 4.24 Sometimes employments or occupations carry with them the enjoyment of material benefits other than monetary remuneration — for example , free board and lodging in the case of a domestic servant ( Liffen v Watson [ 1940 ] 1 KB 556 ) , free coal for a miner , free or concessionary travel facilities for railway or airline employees , free farm produce for agricultural workers or the free use of a car for travelling salesmen , etc .
8 But nothing as high speed as racing through the streets of Kalgoorlie .
9 Unfortunately , during the operation , Rose did suffer further distress and bleeding into the brain , and was left with a very severe left hemiplegia .
10 This sensitivity to initial conditions underlies chaos and can be produced by repeated stretching and folding within the attractor .
11 Meanwhile Stanley made short work of undoing the nuts , pulling off the old wheel and slipping on the new .
12 Since women had for centuries been instructed to use the masculine possessive pronoun when referring to the whole human race , why should n't there be some belated corrective action , even if it did stick in a few ( masculine ) throats ?
13 In the morass of detail Mills brings forward to describe his ‘ power elite ’ , it is easy to ignore this fundamental assumption which precedes his empirical work : ‘ In so far as the power elite is composed of men of similar origin and education , in so far as their careers and their styles of life are similar , there are psychological and social bases for their unity , resting upon the fact that they are of similar social type and leading to the fact of their easy intermingling ’ .
14 Let the relief workers get to real human needs , but let the wider governmental administrations not forget that aviation heritage at large is deserving of some help and understanding amid the ruins of Tamiami .
15 ‘ I say to any pensioner in this hall or watching on the television , you have personally been robbed of over £2,000 .
16 Air whooshed from Jimmy 's lungs and he somersaulted again , slamming hard against another desk and sliding to the floor .
17 All this currying and caring for the body , for its clothing and for the marriage room went on day after day until the wedding night finally arrived .
18 ‘ Sitting on an empty place and waiting for the price to rocket , more like . ’
19 The traditional way involves a public offer for sale with a published prospectus and listing on the London Stock Exchange ; distribution tends to be mainly to investors resident in the United Kingdom .
20 O'Toole and Finch even attended his funeral but — probably having drunk a little more than they 'd meant to , to ease their grief — they found themselves at the wrong funeral and mourning over the wrong body being buried .
21 Linking girls in with the characters of Lord of the Flies , I am sure that there would be many Ralphs , a Jack of a different nature but leading to the same results , and eventually one or two Rogers .
22 Sexual experience is part of coming of age , breaking the seal of sexual mythology and entering into the adult world .
23 Ormsby from the Weld stable is joint top weight with Salmon Eile but 10st is a lot of poundage to carry and it may be best to rely on Loki who rather disappointed at the Curragh last Saturday but who should be given another chance if going to the post .
24 Everybody reacted as one , condemning this nonsense and laughing at the bare-faced cheek of it .
25 He wished he had n't spotted it as it made him think of this morning and going round the house in Hill View Road , and the idea his Mum and Dad had about moving .
26 Fourthly , the view the courts take of their proper role when dealing with the exercise of governmental power is different from the way they view their role in relation to purely private matters .
27 Adding water to a drawing gives subtle washes and blends , whilst intense colour is achieved by drawing into wet paper or lifting off the pencil tip with a wet brush ; flicking the wet brush across the pencil tip gives a spattered , textural effect .
28 For my own part , I enjoyed reading the old Punch and writing for the new one .
29 The phonetic orthography of both the Cyrillic alphabet of Serbia and the Latin alphabet of Croatia and Slovenia made for easier communication and understanding among the Yugoslav peoples and led to common political action .
30 Hazel dug once more , his fore-paws throwing up the soft , wet soil and slipping against the hard sides of the peg .
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