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1 The registrar granted the administrators leave to serve the originating application on the bank in Jersey pursuant to rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 Mervyn Davies J. granted the bank 's application to set aside the registrar 's order , holding that section 238 of the Act of 1986 did not have extraterritorial effect so as to include a foreigner resident abroad , and that ‘ any person ’ in the section could not apply to the bank .
2 It would be perfectly possible to recast the system of democratic supervision so as to restore a considerable part of the power of the Commons and to provide a devolved system of regional and local elected councils , which would mean that every important administrative body was subject to checks and examination at one or other of the three levels — national , regional or local .
3 As a result , the scrutiny of the estimates in the Committee of Supply became a formal vote to reduce the money for this or that department by a nominal figure so as to permit a general attack on the government 's policy in that field .
4 Given basic ability , equality of opportunity to borrow at the market rate of interest to invest in your human capital so as to secure a future return makes observed income inequality a matter of individual choice .
5 Such a surface therefore consists of a large number of tubes emerging at a fine angle so as to present an array of slanting holes .
6 I 'm quite sure she did n't believe a word of this , but in Oxford it is considered good manners to take an adversarial position so as to generate an interesting conversation and allow both parties to display their intelligence , knowledge and eloquence .
7 2.15 Section 3 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 amended the 1976 Act so as to insert a new s1A , which provides that an action under the Act may consist of or include a claim for damages for bereavement in the case of causes of action accruing after 1 January 1983 .
8 As these changes in electrical potential may be very small in relation to fluctuations in ongoing EEG activity the usual procedure is to use a computer to sum the potentials during the half-second or so following each presentation of the evoking stimulus so as to produce an average value .
9 But try to channel your activities to the canine crowd so as to avoid a show-down which could prove to be a great embarrassment .
10 The concerns of Scott J were echoed by Harman J in Systems Reliability Holdings Plc v Smith [ 1990 ] IRLR 377 where the judge concluded ( in a case where he was concerned with an express restriction on the use and disclosure of , in particular the knowledge acquired by the defendant during his employment of the ability to modify an old computer by a small addition so as to make a new product of significant commercial value ) that the controversial part of Neill LJ 's judgment did not bind him to hold that there can not be in an express restrictive of covenant any restriction on information held by an ex-employee which is not a trade secret or something similar .
11 The manipulation of this machine-readable material so as to generate a number of products .
12 The dynamic process generating endogenous economies of scale leads exchanges to compete by being first off the mark in a particular contract so as to achieve a sufficiently high level of trading , and consequently liquidity , and thereby low transactions costs for the traders in that contract .
13 He referred me to President of India v. La Pintada Compania Navigacion S.A. [ 1985 ] A.C. 104 where , in declining to extend the common law so as to enable a plaintiff to recover interest by way of general damages , the House of Lords were influenced by the fact that the legislature had twice intervened to deal with entitlement to interest .
14 Here , it is enough to note that the adoption , largely at Owen 's prompting , by the trade union movement of the strategic objective of organising manufacturing industry in industrial co-operatives , of adopting Co-operation for its own sake so as to make a revolutionary change in the constitutional structure of society , ended almost as soon as it had begun .
15 We had decided to return by service bus in the other direction so as to complete a round trip .
16 Therefore it is suggested that for the husband whose outrage forecloses the possibility of a mere divorce proceeding , a clear case exists for having the courts carve out an exception to the three-year rule so as to allow a suit to be brought for nullity through fraud or mistake.56 To the protesting reader who may feel that this spurious reasoning leads us into the realm of nonsense , the only answer is that it is the purpose of this paper to provoke a re-examination of certain fundamental values and ideas .
17 The force rod , resembling some solid black flute embedded with enigmatic circuits , stored psychic energy so as to augment a psyker 's mental attack .
18 Comparable trends are not found among the second category , which includes those sites where the defences are apparently arbitrarily imposed on a straggling ribbon development or urban scatter so as to provide a small defended strongpoint astride the road .
19 Thus where the issue is the width of the use covenant , the application of the contra proferentem rule points towards greater freedom of use on the part of the tenant rather than narrower , even if the tenant is arguing for a narrower use so as to secure a benefit on rent review ( Skillion v Keltec Industrial Research [ 1992 ] 1 EGLR 123 ) .
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