Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] the last [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The man forgot one issue , the European Monetary Union , it was Mr Major that took us into the Economic Monetary Union at the wrong way , he took us in on a political decision on the last day of a Labour Party Conference in Blackpool and he 's forgotten that .
2 Several parliamentary sessions under Henry VIII passed without any direct taxes being asked or given ; and Mary , at the start of her reign , even remitted the outstanding part of the last subsidy granted under Edward VI , asking nothing from the two parliaments of 1554 .
3 d ) Changing conceptions of professionalism — finally , it should not pass without comment that the traditional concept of professionalism on which successive generations of solicitors have been reared was not uncommonly perceived to have been undermined by the dominant political and economic ideology of the last decade , with its emphasis on consumerism and market forces .
4 It was followed , after the ammunition pouches of the defenders had been emptied , by total slaughter as the last line on the summit of an open hill was breached .
5 I have been talking to one or two members of s staff at a fairly low level over the last week .
6 As widely predicted in the City , which has marked Costain shares down nearly 75 p.c. over the last year , there is no final dividend , leaving the interim of 43/4p the sole payout , compared with a total of 12¼p last time .
7 ‘ Mind you , I 'm regarded more as a provider than a goalscorer and I have n't done too badly in that department over the last couple of years . ’
8 Labour had taken on a flagging government in the midst of the longest recession since the last world war .
9 Scritti Politti have been conspicuous by their absence over the last three years , with Green Gartside hiding in the hill of South Wales after the poor critical and commercial response to the last album ‘ Provision ’ .
10 Tim Smith made the conversions and two penalties … as well as this touchdown in the last minute … claiming fifteen of Gloucester 's 25 points .
11 Would it be possible to have another look at the last provision that the Minister mentioned , which imposes on local authorities a duty to provide sites for travellers ?
12 Do n't zoom the lens in and out , either , but save this effect for the last shot in which you zoom out to a wide view of the garden again .
13 David Elsworth has been fined £750 by the Jockey Club 's Disciplinary Committee for incorrectly recording the vaccination details of the filly First Veil , his fourth breach of this rule in the last year .
14 We have come a long way since then , thanks to the vast amount of public investment over the last century .
15 Most meetings , for example , would benefit by regularly having a 15 minute review as the last item on the agenda .
16 Settlement ‘ I would have thought that they would have learned from the public ridicule of the last month and made certain that they did n't get up to these things again , ’ he told the Press Association .
17 ( b ) " What factors contributed to the decline of Britain 's foreign influence in the last half of the nineteenth century ? " ( essay title ) .
18 When on this mill for the last time there will close the gate
19 Well , she 's been having an affair with this bloke for the last year or so and then out of the blue he turned round and …
20 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
21 And there 's another oddity ; the top half of the last page has been torn away .
22 The development of SVQs has formed a major part of our work in this sector over the last year .
23 But the £117 million operating profit in this sector in the last quarter of 1992 was 27 per cent higher than in the same period of the previous year .
24 He has achieved his success through his own talent , the support of his parents , and the skill and guidance of David Lloyd , the fiercely independent former British Davis Cup player whose mushrooming tennis centres have been one of the few success stories in British tennis in the last decade .
25 Aqib Javed , a vastly improved bowler in the last year , was perfect as a back-up to the two great bowlers .
26 Before the tax is imposed , labour market equilibrium is at E. The wage W measures both the marginal social benefit of the last hour of work and its marginal social cost .
27 Since at the output Q the marginal social benefit of the last output unit is less than the marginal social cost inclusive of the production externality , the output Q is not socially efficient .
28 In fact the socially efficient output is Q ' ; , at which the marginal social benefit of the last output unit equals is marginal social cost .
29 The development was the ‘ most exciting discovery of the last decade ’ because it opened up new treatment avenues .
30 Apart from the fact that polite letters of rejection are a matter of common courtesy there is also the more pragmatic point that something may go wrong with the new arrangement — the employee may change his/her mind , become ill , move away unexpectedly , take up another job at the last minute .
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