Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ OK , I wo n't try to battle my way past all that camouflage for the treasures that lie beneath .
2 My hon. Friend puts his finger on a crucial point : the total income of the museums and galleries for which I am responsible , outside their grant in aid , is £48 million — up by £20 million from the figures for three years ago .
3 The cost of tracing the damage is covered provided there has been accidental damage to the pipes or cables .
4 Such decision makers may have little experience of the issues that affect women or ethnic minorities , for example .
5 This exiled army played an important part in the allied fight against the Germans but eventually it was Stalin 's Red Army who liberated their homeland , turning the country into an eastward-looking nation .
6 No was the posh part of the flats if you like .
7 Each part of the restaurants & Leisure Division has a programme to assist employees in developing their careers .
8 Each part of the walls and the rest of the ceilings received their appointed section of the Christian story .
9 It also brought prolonged exposure to the values and beliefs of the world 's most powerful and prosperous capitalist nation .
10 Pure research is an attempt to produce a coherent framework of the facts and events occurring in the world around us .
11 In the event my evidence — on the scientific value of clinical ecology — played little part in the proceedings because the charges brought by the GMC touched only peripherally on Dr Mumby 's clinical activities .
12 The exterior work is largely restored but the interior decoration in the apse is mainly original and consists of marble , porphyry and mother-of-pearl inlay on the lower part of the walls and mosaic above this and in the semi-dome .
13 There were the usual bevelled panels on the lower part of the doors and bulkheads .
14 And erm how we actually measure I I would accept is d is somewhat difficult and I think it 's based on erm a a an assessment er a professional assessment of the issues that are current to the criteria .
15 That means joint commissioning , you have an example later on in your agenda in relation to learning disability services , I think it 's items nine , nine and eleven , erm , er , perhaps the most controversial part of the proposals that I 've , I 've put before the authorities , is that you do n't expect the structures for joint care planning to carry the full weight of joint commissioning when you 're talking about main budgets .
16 It is compatible with the order-maintenance function of the police that they should have power to regulate both public processions and assemblies , and the 1986 Act refines their powers to do this .
17 This is because , assuming not all the proceeds of disposal are capital gain ( some will be base cost ) , that part of the proceeds that is not applied in acquiring the new assets will constitute gain in priority to base cost .
18 We feel there is little division between the players and the images of fact .
19 er , my Lord there has not been disclosed by the plaintiffs anything more than one copy of the brochure for each site we 've got in the my Lord might I therefore formally call for disclosures of each addition of the brochures that the jury have them
20 He 'd used an Armalite semi-auto on the creatures as they stampeded from crag to crag .
21 Though ultimately the methodological bases of such findings must induce caution in the researcher , nevertheless the findings may lead to plausible conclusions about the workings of elite groups in local communities , in particular about the economic base of the members and the support given to their power by specific cultural norms .
22 Originating at Edinburgh Waverley the Royal Scotsman set out to make stately progress through the mountains and glens of the Scottish Highlands , with a package of sightseeing visits to ancient castles and gardens , country houses and distilleries in store for its well-heeled patrons .
23 Indeed , is there any point in an unnecessary fight with the monsters that are approaching the East door ?
24 Instead , it promotes a new philosophy — that both parents have parental responsibility for the children and not just , as was often the case under the old law , the parent with whom the children were living .
25 Farmer , Robert Wallace has re-stocked a private woodland with the animals and is raising them for their meat .
26 Accordingly , most of these companies will change hands by way of private contract between the shareholders and the buyer .
27 Computers are an essential feature of modern life , overseeing daily activities in transport , medicine , banking , retailing and advanced research in the Sciences and Humanities .
28 Otherwise you can only tuck insulating tape in the cracks or fit draught-proofing strips as for doors .
29 I was the one with the insulating tape round the glasses and a face like Dick Whittington 's hankie .
30 He got up and went back down the stairs , going out into the gathering darkness , across the priory grounds behind the chapel from where he could hear the sweet , melodious chant of the nuns as they sang the first psalm of Compline .
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