Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] for [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This effect persists for a relatively long time , and as there is a specific relationship between the stimuli and the responses , it is regarded as a genuine form of associative learning .
2 This chapter argues for a less pessimistic approach .
3 But as a consequence , he will now face the sort of brutal attention reserved for the most lauded players in Serie A — the sort of stern treatment Lineker himself encountered and overcame in his successful time in Spain with Barcelona .
4 As late as the 1980s foreign trade accounted for a relatively small proportion of Soviet national income , the Soviet currency was not freely convertible , and the movement of people and information across Soviet borders was closely regulated and very limited .
5 Along the same lines , Anne Seller in this volume argues for a more democratic epistemology .
6 This diversity accounts for the mutually contradictory complaints that are frequently voiced by village locals : that the newcomers come in and try to run everything or that they take no part in village life and are not ‘ involved ’ .
7 But to see the delight on the players ' faces on their return to the headquarters marquee after each day 's match for a glass or two of DB export and sumptuous food made for a highly successful occasion .
8 Eleanor McLaughlin has argued effectively that , in comparison in particular with modern Protestantism , the medieval tradition allowed for a more androgynous understanding of God and , since the human was seen as ‘ female ’ before God , also of the human being .
9 Hollywood 's bubbliest blonde yearns for an even bigger family
10 Linear , scientific perspective allows for a fairly accurate mental reconstruction of the distances separating objects .
11 In England this power has for a very long time been delegated , so far as barristers are concerned , to the Inns of Court : and , for a much shorter time , so far as solicitors are concerned , to the Law Society .
12 The mixing of aircraft development and behind the scenes political chicanery makes for a very interesting and revealing read .
13 The DUP and Vanguard had intended to boycott the local elections , saving their effort for the more important Assembly elections , but activists in both parties thought that the earlier contest should be fought , if only to make use of the free publicity that would be created and to have the advantages of a trial run and an early opportunity to canvass for the more important second elections .
14 With the recent introduction of Standard Grade and Revised Higher Grade , special budgets have been made available for the purchase of all the additional apparatus needed for the very attractive , modern courses .
15 Third , additional education makes for a more rational labour market by improving information and choice of occupation .
16 With COSMOS all children 2 to 15 years of age at the time of return travel qualify for the specially reduced child prices advertised in the holiday pages as long as they share a room with 2 adults .
17 The main thrust of Lukacs 's criticism is that the rich potentiality of socialist realism degenerated for the most part into what he terms the " anaemia of socialist naturalism " because its practitioners deliberately chose to substitute the profundity of Marx 's original dialectical understanding of reality for the banality and facility of Stalinist economic subjectivism " , the inevitable consequence of the Stalinist personality cult .
18 This circulating cold water accounts for the anomalously low mean temperatures of eastern Antarctic Peninsula .
19 ‘ The Australian system makes for a much stronger betting market on course and the vast increase in revenue gives owners , big and small , a greater incentive . ’
20 Certainly , the phenomenon of a Black man bidding for the most powerful office in the world has raised , irreversibly , the expectations of Americans who , prior to Jackson 's candidacy , never even dreamed about accurate , or responsive , political representation .
21 You may find it a long way to come for a comparatively short meeting and I should also mention that we have a regular reporter who covers the meeting on behalf of the Courier and the Garstang Guardian .
22 Terry Empson , director-general of the Historic Housing Association , said Althorp was not only virtually impossible to value but almost certainly unsaleable : ‘ Nobody in their right minds would want a ducal palace designed for an entirely different age .
23 CPRW must urge a return to responsible planning to provide for the really needy while protecting the open countryside .
24 That said , the drifting of Morrissey 's voice over an unlikely background makes for the most effective twin attack since Yazoo .
25 This could operate rather like a personal TESSA and would be a er tax free savings account , which would allow a small business to save for a perhaps a major piece of machinery in a tax free environment .
26 A balance is required between representative and participatory democracy to allow for a more active citizenship .
27 That situation changed for the better with the appointment of John Rogers — Van Morrison 's manager — who , according to Boyd , ‘ has been an inspiration figure to us . ’
28 It has been suggested that the starkness of early Wesleyan theology made for a rather close match , with local preachers assuming something of the role of conjurer .
29 Business people — manufacturers , farmers and traders expect to produce and sell more goods in the south , so making enough profit to pay for the more expensive land .
30 The problem for the unassisted plaintiff is that the expert 's fee and the cost of any application makes for a very expensive gamble on liability .
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