Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Presidential Council initially appeared designed to supplant the CPSU central committee politburo as the main centre of political decision making in the Soviet Union .
2 It turns out that all neurons of the primary visual cortex respond best to oriented bars or edges , though they still vary greatly among themselves as to the position their receptive field occupies in the visual field , as to the direction of preferred orientation , velocity of motion , size of bar and its polarity ( dark or light ) , and in other ways .
3 In the case of the Caribbean slave communities , this probably took only a short time : for example , we know that the emergence of Sranan Tongo , an English-lexified Creole spoken in the coastal region of Surinam , can be dated with reasonable accuracy to a period between the arrival of the first English slave-owning planters in the middle of the seventeenth century , and their expulsion by the Dutch : a total of less than thirty years .
4 Only one copy of Section 1 needs to be filled in , but ideally separate copies of Sections 2 , 3 and 4 should be filled in for each course taught in the appropriate field .
5 Puzzle Wood is an area which has remained unaltered since it was transformed into tranquil woodland walks in the 1800's .
6 The gentlemen in Virginia were in no position to do this ; they had very little money to spend in a gentlemanly way and no particular experience of colonization to give them any other claims to respect and obedience , as nothing got done and about 60 of the 100 initial settlers died in 1607 .
7 Germany 's high-technology/ electronics exports in the early 1970s exceeded those of France and Britain combined .
8 The history of that provision and its abolition demonstrates clearly that income arising in an overseas company which is , for instance , owned by an overseas trust , is not income arising under a settlement for the purposes of TA 1988 , Part XV , Chapters III and IV or indeed any of the other provisions of Part XV .
9 There is thus a slight caveat on the point but subject to exceptional circumstances it is felt that taxpayers can now safely assume that income arising in an underlying company which is owned by the overseas trust can not be caught by Part XV of TA 1988 .
10 If you live north of the country and are thinking about a change of style then here 's your chance to win a fabulous hair cut in a top northern salon !
11 Madeleine Albright , 55 , currently teaching at Georgetown University , was a political scientist specializing in the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe .
12 ( Had this kind of European provision existed in the 1920s and 1930s it might and probably would have made it much more difficult for the Fascist and other extreme forms of government to take hold . )
13 He was wise enough in his broadcasts to refrain from one tactic , the inspiration of that chill fear which some of his political ranting achieved in the 193()s .
14 Since 1982 the government has made twenty-nine changes to the way in which the unemployed are counted , each change resulting in a downward shift in the number said to be unemployed .
15 Now , with interest rates on the way down , business will be able to expand once more — from the strong base achieved in the 1980s .
16 Later McAllister was to remember that afternoon spent in the stifling attic as a kind of nightmare punctuated by Dr Neil 's barked commands to her and Rose ; she had ceased to exist for him except as a pair of willing hands and legs .
17 The bloody hook curved in the downy ruff …
18 Gabriel waited for him to break away and in that instant got in a good burst , peppering the cockpit .
19 I have to decide whether to put in my poems and short stories and a series of LETTERS , originally called LETTERS TO x ( some 180 very short letters written in three days in about two years ago ) rather in the writing style of the legendary DEAR ABBIE written in the 1920s ( or 30s ? you are bound to know ! ) by Dane Chandos .
20 If so , it could be that the impact of that experience parallels in a sharpened and intensified form the impact on women of the experience of child-bearing — a potent , personal experience that , however sanitised , brings a woman face-to-face with these three realities .
21 Recruited from the lower-middle or working class , the representative benefactor lived in a small house in a town or city , had no children or had children who were grown up , spoke not a word of German , knew nothing of Germany beyond the front-page news of the Express or Mirror , and did not begin to understand the trauma of being a young refugee .
22 There was a second clattering of footsteps and Ian appeared , his tall figure framed in the sliding door .
23 However , spotlights need to be positioned so that light falls in the right place .
24 In an extensive interview published in the leading news magazine Veja on May 24 , Pedro Collor had claimed that Farias had pocketed US$15,000,000 of the US$100,000,000 election campaign fund and continued to broker contracts between private companies and the government , sharing commissions with the President .
25 In his speech on Jan. 30 at the BCP congress Mladenov invited the political opposition to participate in a transitional coalition government until the holding of free multiparty elections ( now scheduled for May ) .
26 a method of folding in which each fold opens in the opposite direction to its neighbour , giving a concertina or pleated effect .
27 A strong wind blowing in the right direction can put a metre on a high tide in exceptional circumstances , and the wind can also prevent the tide from receding as much as it should .
28 In a vector GIS the set of M different output maps would be rasterized and a count made of the frequency that each cell appears in the final map .
29 Patsy Healey has argued that the crux of the political dilemma lies in the traditional Conservative support in the shire counties :
30 This mighty High Mage bound the fearsome dragons to his will , using harnesses of enchanted truesteel smelted in the fiery heart of Vaul 's Anvil .
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