Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is also firmly committed to proactive management : ‘ This is n't the kind of business environment in which we can set targets and expect something to happen , and we 're not waiting for an economic turnaround to provide us with the kind of results we want to turn in .
2 Richard Elliott , the Headmaster , chose Francis as one of the first pupil teachers , and in due course promoted him to the position of junior teacher at the Margate branch of the Asylum .
3 That finding leads us to a shocking conclusion : a gesture is more individual than an individual .
4 That decision to organize ourselves as a group was a really important step forward for us as workers and for the organization .
5 say by the way Jim you could have fixed that boiler take everyone off the pipes
6 Although in retrospect it might seem a vain hope to disguise ourselves as a motor yacht , we were not well known in the area and there were , after all , quite a few converted HDML 's about in those days , so we removed a few obvious identification marks from the ship including our uniforms , flew the red ensign and settled down to wait .
7 The timetable we had to work to meant there was little opportunity to do anything with the draft scripts except change factual errors .
8 If it can be shown to the satisfaction of the jury that the defendant had the intention , he has very little opportunity to exculpate himself on the grounds that he lacked mens rea , as will be explained further presently .
9 But Mr. de Lacy submits that both it and the previous cases which it applied are clearly distinguishable from the instant case because they all rested upon the critical circumstances that the lender or creditor in each case left it to the principal debtor to obtain , in such a way as he thought fit , the execution of the document .
10 If possible try to frame them in a dramatic way — because this is a further pointer for the children showing how you are going to work together .
11 that experience changed him in every way .
12 ‘ I did n't know , ’ Sarella said dully in a last-ditch attempt to salvage something from the wreckage of her self-esteem .
13 It is the responsibility of each employee to acquaint themselves with the full details of these and any local arrangements .
14 But his experiences of street life in Hackney and his boxing ventures in Bethnal Green taught him that blackness presented him with a unique set of problems .
15 For each node , every word in its left sub-tree precedes the word at the parent node in the alphabet , and every word in its right sub-tree follows it in the alphabet .
16 She was not so lucky with Benton , who sprang up and crashed into her , his arms locking around her waist , their combined momentum slamming them against the door .
17 When doctors announced that there was a glimmer of hope , Raine organized a private ambulance to take him to the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Queen Square , central London where for several months he lay in a coma .
18 ‘ His usual spin took him to a private beach at the Dragonara Hotel in St Julien with Denis and Frankie 's sister Betty .
19 Got killed when that horse kicked him in the head . ’
20 Retirement combines these two aspects of companionship , on the one hand an increasing rate of loss , and on the other , less social opportunity to replace them through the place of work .
21 At that time the Japanese foreign ministry distanced itself from the Liberal Democrats ' mission to Pyongyang organised by the party 's strongman , Shin Kanemaru .
22 This lane takes you up a hill , past the Chapel and out of the village .
23 Investigations of this kind reveal something of the structure of poverty by indicating those who were kept going by the poor rate , the only eighteenth-century tax which was redistributive .
24 This index provides you with a range of facilities concerning the creation of new users , displaying details of users and the relationships between users .
25 This index provides you with a range of facilities concerning process model operations .
26 Mrs A. W. wrote : ‘ I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time and effort you have put into compiling this diet which has made a bigger difference to my weight and dimensions than any other diet I have been on … . ‘
27 I hope you will not be too disappointed and would take this opportunity to thank you for the interest which you have shown .
28 I hope you will not be too disappointed and would take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have shown .
29 I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the high standard achieved by your service engineer , Dick Churcher [ Healthcare Atherstone ] for his attitude and appearance whilst working at our depots .
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