Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh pn] [verb] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jane , who had a natural feel for mood and background which complemented the clothes , swam more than competently and her black and white images of windswept models against bleak moors or stark beaches created for many who saw them on the white shop walls their indelible image of ‘ Laura Ashley ’ .
2 To many this scene would have been unnerving and unsettling , particularly to those who knew them during the period known as the past .
3 In fact , of course , many of Japan 's new rulers shared both aspirations : modern methods and Western techniques could be embraced as wholeheartedly by those who saw them as the key to a restored ‘ traditional ’ Japanese independence based on indigenous social structure and values as by those who desired to embrace not only Western techniques but some version of Western ideology .
4 Léon Blum , the new prime Minister , said of people like Cohn-Casson : ‘ They secretly curse those who put them in the hands of secular enemies . ’
5 Those who receive them in an already altered form may impose a further change in their identity and meaning .
6 But such systems can only be as good as those who use them in an original research context , and I have a genuine concern that an over-abundance of records will lead to confusion , or to the adoption of narrow and blinkered research strategies .
7 Entrepreneurs , by their nature , are relatively thin on the ground — and an ungrateful lot not given to remembering those who helped them on the first , shaky steps on the ladder .
8 But , as the king found , he could not rely upon the Flemings ; their links with England were too strong for them to act with determination against those who supplied them with the wool upon which their own economic prosperity depended .
9 undermined by those who see them as an alternative channel for immigration , the many spoiling it for the few yet again .
10 Asylum procedures exist to ensure the protection of those genuinely at risk , but they are in danger of being undermined by those who see them as an alternative channel for immigration .
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