Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He laughed , a warm , comfortable sound that reminded her of homely , rustic things like sleek cattle and woolly sheep grazing on a West Country hillside .
2 Police have now named the three rugby fans who were killed when their light aircraft crashed into a field .
3 To illustrate the points made above some data obtained from a study of the occurrence of clear and foggy days in the area of Los Angeles , California , carried out by Gong-Yuh Lin ( 1981 ) , are used as an example .
4 I recently saw this fish described as a predator but with a very shy nature .
5 What have the Free People to do with a man 's cub ? ’
6 ‘ You keep this perch warm for a while , I 'm doing a walkabout . ’
7 Some people succumb without a struggle .
8 Some people swear by a mixture of hot water and lemon taken as a digestif .
9 Some people work for a firm that goes bankrupt ; some people invest early in Rank Xerox .
10 With regard to elderly people , Allan suggests that , in any case , old people have for a variety of reasons quite small friendship circles and that even within those circles
11 An estimated 2,000,000 people participated in a referendum on Puerto Rico 's future relationship with the United States , held on Dec. 8 .
12 Another centrepiece of the government 's emergency legislation is the Prevention of Terrorism Act 1974 ( redrawn in 1976 and 1984 ) , passed in the wake of the Birmingham pub bombings of November 1974 , in which twenty-one people died as a result of two bomb blasts .
13 Yet few people know about a period of even greater invasion panic which spread during the Napoleonic wars , when a militia of Cornish miners dug defensive trenches to keep the French out of Plymouth .
14 Ethnic violence in Sind continued with the death of at least 30 people waiting at a bus stop in the Qayyumabad area of Karachi .
15 More than 50,000 people living in a six-mile danger area have been evacuated but , even with lava heading for them , some have refused to leave .
16 In the eastern Bosnian enclave of Srebrenica , the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has managed to feed and keep alive 50,000 people crammed into a space once occupied by 7,000 .
17 For example , to one library budget of £9,000 should be added another £5,000 spent on a subscription to the local SLS .
18 Or for guessing what this pair do for a living .
19 I believe that Unesco got the idea when he saw that TV series about some people.who lived for a year in a simulated stone-age Village , cut off from the world .
20 The vestry of the City church of St Peter-le-Poore , Broad Street , also had this in mind and , as a result , officials were charging an additional £50 in 1838 for iron coffins deposited in their vaults over and above the standard fee of £1 15s. 2d. as against the extra £20 asked for a lead shell — with all fees double for non-parishioners .
21 The ESP series covering Engineering , Business and Travel and Tourism takes a different approach and records real discussions between real people working in a factory , the travel industry and an office .
22 For instance , annual sales forecasting for a manufacturing activity undertaking a wide variety of large complex engineering work on a unit and small batch basis may be carried out using a combination of queuing , scheduling and inventory based methods .
23 Over 1,200 people died as a result , and earth was scorched for miles around .
24 A CROWD of 100 people gathered outside a court yesterday as two 10-year-old boys were brought back before magistrates accused of murdering toddler James Bulger .
25 At Pushca you get 2,000 straight people dancing to a trannie DJ , and that 's a really good thing . ’
26 On Dec. 22 , 26 people died after a German DC3 aircraft crashed near Heidelberg , Germany .
27 Police reported that at least six people died in a gun battle involving ANC and Inkatha supporters and police at Tembisa township on May 9 .
28 In other incidents ( i ) Sam Chand , a PAC activist , was among six people assassinated in a bomb explosion in Botswana on April 23 ; ( ii ) his brother Ishmael Chand died in an accident on his way to the funeral ; and ( iii ) the secretary of the PAC internal wing , Benny Alexander , and other PAC members travelling with him were seriously injured in a car crash in the northern Cape on May 3 .
29 Police have named the six people travelling in a car that crashed with an ambulance on its way to an emergency call .
30 Er , and , and it , one , one of the things which I hope that we can agree upon is that the is , is that one of the things we can do by organising our time better is get an extra sales call in a day .
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