Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [det] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 FOLLOWING an elderly taxi in London or heavy truck up a country hill , both spewing clouds of acrid smoke , makes it hard to believe that diesel exhausts can be no more harmful than those from a petrol engine that has been fitted with a three-way catalytic converter .
2 Furthermore there were furniture firms short of work and again the development time for a wooden aeroplane has always been much shorter than that for a metal one .
3 The mourning observed for Jacob was only two days shorter than that for a pharaoh .
4 Those making a decision need also to have in mind that , whilst an electronic instrument requires no tuning and very little maintenance , its life expectancy is at present shorter than that of a pipe organ .
5 But in its way it is more exciting and more of a challenge than the current enthusiasm for plate tectonics and sea-floor spreading .
6 There she was lying on the floor with Bonfire of the Vanities under her head and me giving her a gentle kneading — spelt with a ‘ k ’ dear — and we were getting quite absorbed when all of a sudden the door flew open and in he came .
7 It is possible that some of a company 's shareholders will have interests , for example , as employees or customers , that are distinct from their investment interest in the business .
8 Instead , as we go deeper and deeper the gaseous hydrogen gradually gets denser and denser until imperceptibly , and at pressures considerably in excess of those in Figure 9.9 , it acquires a density more characteristic of a liquid than that of a gas .
9 Phage φ29 has a linear genome whose degree of supercoiling in the cell is not known , but it is probably lower than that of a plasmid .
10 Accordingly , the policy of dismissing a woman employee solely because she had attained the qualifying age for a state pension which was lower than that for a man constituted discrimination contrary to the Council Directive .
11 The amounts required for clothing and housing were also set lower than those of a person of working age .
12 The relationship display in a thesaurus is often more extensive than that in a subject headings list .
13 HCS member Ali Haroun said in Brussels on Feb. 26 that half of a total of 50 people killed had been members of the army and gendamerie .
14 If the process of learning to conquer the impulses to self-gratification seems too painful to be borne , the author reminds the sisters that ultimately a complaint will seem as misguided as that of a prisoner thrown a bag of money to buy his release who moans that the bag hit and bruised him .
15 ‘ Thousands of kids wo n't have as much as that in a life-time .
16 It is true that 1759 could represent the beginning of a copying effort that extended over several years , but the appearance neat , professional and all of a piece does not support such a hypothesis .
17 Oh mum me do it , me are gon na do that and that in a minute
18 She 's beautiful and cute and brighter than most for a five-year-old . ’
19 The sounds were plaintive , resonant , doom-laden as those of a passing-bell , and she recognized even then — though she could not have found words to express it — that it would turn out thus , just as she had said .
20 When they drove out from the castle , Johnson found little in Dunbui 's yellow rock to engage his attention , other than the remarkable fact that the Guillemot , known locally as the Coot , while as small as a duck , lays eggs as large as those of a goose .
21 it was a terrible and all of a sudden this man said , I 'll be jiggered !
22 I do n't have to stand here baring my soul in order to make you feel better and less of a victim !
23 ‘ I sometimes play half of a match good and half of a match bad , or not so good , and I have a feeling it gives opponents the chance to come back , ’ he said .
24 The impact of this slavering beast on an enemy formation is just as effective as that of a Knight with a lance .
25 The need for the council to be able to protect its reputation by an action for libel is , with proper regard to the public interest , at least as great as that of a trading corporation or a trade union .
26 That she has less strength at work and has more broken time owing to bad health and especially should she be married , domestic duties and that her output is not so great as that of a man .
27 Some hamlets were dominated by a single manufacturer whose influence was as great as that of a squire in an estate village , but most villages had several warehouses belonging to small manufacturers .
28 It remains a mystery to me why we should have had to wait as long as this for a recital disc , and why it should not have appeared on one of the major companies ' labels ( all credit to Delos ) .
29 This is the time of year when the end of last season 's growth slides imperceptibly into the beginning of the next 's , with more or less of a halt depending on the weather .
30 They thought it normal for Daddy to get them up and dress and breakfast them , before he went down to morning surgery , and for Lucy once she was up to spend ages talking excitedly and gesticulating on the telephone , before consigning them ( with a kiss on the head ) to Nissy while she disappeared to the study to practise , and the house was filled with the cello 's dismal squeaks and groans , which always recovered eventually , into more or less of a tune .
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